Irritated and depressed by Christmas fragrance

Irritated and depressed by Christmas fragrance / Health News

Irritated or depressed mood due to Christmas fragrance


In many households, currently scented candles, incense smokers and Co. provide the typical Christmas fragrance. However, the supposedly pleasant smell can have a completely negative effect on the psyche, warns the Osmopraktikerin and chairwoman of the association aroma-netz e.V., Hanna Christiane Günther, in a recent release. In some cases, the intense scent may even make you irritable and depressed.

„Fragrances have a great effect on the subconscious (and) act individually for each person“, explained the expert to the news agency „dpad“. Many fragrances that are initially perceived as pleasant can, according to the osmopractor, permanently become a subconscious burden. This applies to the scented tree in the car as well as for scented candles, incense sticks or Christmas decorations such as Advent wreaths strewn with cinnamon and cloves. „In excess, fragrances can have a negative impact on our psyche, make us irritable and depressive“, emphasized Hanna Christiane Günther. Therefore, the scent in your own home should not be exaggerated, even if it provides a Christmas atmosphere, so the statement of the expert.

Permanent scent overloads and over-stimulates the sense of smell
Certain fragrances are considered by most people to be very pleasant at first. Vanilla, for example, awoke many memories of childhood days, cookies and sweet pudding, the osmopractor explained. Cinnamon, anise or coriander, however, are often associated with festive Christmas spirit. However, the initially positive sensation of the fragrances can lead to negative effects on the psyche if the intensity remains high. The „Permanent scent overloads and over-stimulates the sense of smell“, explained Günther. This gradually affects the psyche. „At first you feel the scent as pleasant, but soon the mood tilts, you feel unwell, empty or irritated“, the expert continues. According to Hanna Christiane Günther, users should therefore experiment very discreetly with the fragrances in order to obtain the pleasant feeling. „Please do not hang a vanilla tree in the car or let the aroma lamp in the living room burn for hours“, stressed the Osmopraktikerin.

Moderate use of fragrances required
According to the expert, the "correct level is crucial for the fragrances". For example, fragrance lamps containing 100 percent pure natural essential oil should only be lit two to three times daily for 20 to 30 minutes each. Here, the osmopractor recommends a dosage of a maximum of three drops of pure essential oil to 50 milliliters of water. The rooms should also be aired regularly, so Günther on. Artificially flavored scented candles are generally not recommended because „these synthetic replicas“ a „complete over-stimulation“ represent and „In order to achieve a natural Christmas fragrance in the living room or kitchen, one could instead resort to fir branches in a vase or on small bowls with spices such as vanilla pods, star anise and cinnamon sticks.

Essential oils with a relaxing effect
The natural fragrances of domestic ingredients are also recommended for use in a scented candle, said the osmopractor and named fir oils as a special tip. „We have known the fragrances of silver fir, balsam fir, pine forest, mountain pine, spruce needle or cypress since childhood, because they are part of our culture“, Günther continues. This intimacy also increases the positive power of the fragrances for the soul. Overall, work „essential fir oils very balancing and harmonizing“, emphasized the expert. Even more exotic scents can definitely have a positive effect here. For example, fruit oils from oranges, grapefruit or clementines also spread a Christmas mood and „have a relaxing and mood-enhancing effect on the psyche“, explained Günther.

Therapeutic use of fragrances
Aromatherapy has long recognized the use of perfumes for therapeutic purposes. Already the ancient Egyptians used certain fragrances to treat patients. Today, fragrances are used in a variety of ways - for example, in supermarkets to influence the purchasing behavior of customers. According to the expert, the effect of essential oils can also be used, for example, to avoid or reduce family tensions at Christmas. Hanna Christiane Günther recommends „here an oil mixture that meets the needs of the family“ and names different effects of individual fragrances. Juniper fragrance reduces possible disappointments, jasmine and blood orange fragrance strengthens the personality, geranium and rose fragrance let the feelings speak. Again, however, it is important to avoid excessive concentrations of perfumes as possible. (Fp)

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Image: Simone Hainz