Swollen grains in the porridge make babies stomach ache

Swollen grains in the porridge make babies stomach ache / Health News

Swollen grains in the porridge can lead to abdominal pain in babies and toddlers


Parents strive to ensure their children from a young age on a healthy diet. If the grain is freshly ground in the porridge, babies and toddlers often suffer from abdominal pain. The pediatrician Wolfram Hartmann advises instead to milk-cereal slurry from flakes, semolina or instant cereals.

No raw and unprocessed crops are enough
„Babies and toddlers should not eat raw and unprocessed grain“, emphasizes Hartmann, the pediatrician in the network „Healthy in life“, is. The digestive process in young children is not yet fully developed. Too few enzymes can not digest the raw grain properly. The children subsequently suffer from flatulence, abdominal pain and constipation, because the grain enters the intestine almost undigested.

Some parents prefer the previous soaking of raw cereals in water. „This is not a good alternative“, so the doctor. „Although this improves the compatibility of the grain. In soaked cereals, however, are easily germ-causing germs that can cause diarrhea and vomiting in children“.

Milk and cereal porridge made from flakes
It would be better if parents were to prepare their Small Milk Cereal Mash from flakes, semolina or instant cereal. After mixing in milk, the baby porridge is cooked for a few minutes. The initiative „Healthy in life“ is funded by the Federal Nutrition Ministry. (Sb)

Picture: Helene Souza