GeloMyrtol successful in acute bronchitis

GeloMyrtol successful in acute bronchitis / Health News

Study: GeloMyrtol® successful in acute bronchitis


Patients with acute bronchitis benefit from the herbal medicine GeloMyrtol forte. This is confirmed by a current, placebo-controlled study. Typical bronchitis symptoms were relieved faster than with placebo. 413 patients with acute bronchitis received four capsules of the phytotherapeutic agent or four placebo capsules daily for two weeks. Other medicines such as antitussives, secretolytics, inhaled glucocorticoids or antibiotics should not be taken.

After one week, the number of coughing attacks during the day fell by about 62 percent with GeloMyrtol® forte, and by 50 percent with placebo. After five to six days, the number of coughing spells has halved under Verum, taking six to eight days on placebo.

Also, the cough frequency was significantly lower in the patients who took GeloMyrtol® forte. The proportion of cough-free patients at the end of the study was also greater (45 versus 29%). Problems with coughing and sleep disturbances due to nocturnal cough were also significantly less frequent. A. Gillissen. A Multi-center, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-controlled Clinical Trial on the Efficacy and Tolerability of GeloMyrtol® forte in Acute Bronchitis. Drug Res (Stuttgart) 2013; 63 (01): 19-27. (Pm)

Image: Elya, Wiki