Occasional smokers are also smokers

Occasional smokers are also smokers / Health News

Occasional smokers are smokers


Some people emphasize again and again that they only use the cigarette occasionally and therefore are not really smokers. But US researchers now say that occasional smokers are very much a smoker.

Every smoked cigarette is harmful
Smoking is increasingly socially outlawed in most countries of the world. This is one reason why more and more casual smokers are among the non-smokers. But American researchers now say that occasional smokers are very likely to be among the smokers. Unlike alcohol, there is no lower limit to smoking that does not harm the body. Every single smoked cigarette is bad for humans.

Every fifth non-smoker smokes every day
Many casual smokers would not see themselves as smokers. Wael Al-Delaimy and colleagues from the University of California at San Diego, USA. Like the scientists in the journal „Tobacco Control“ An estimated 12.3 percent of all smoking Californians would not profess to consume their tobacco. And this against the background that every fifth of this „Non-Confessor“ even smokes daily. Al-Delaimy's team had analyzed a survey and defined all smokers as having smoked only occasionally, smoked at least one cigarette in the past 30 days, or smoked over 100 cigarettes in their lifetime.

Correct numbers about smokers distorted
According to the researchers, these occasional smokers can be divided into two groups. In one group, there are young people who smoke and do not think they are dependent on social events such as celebrations and celebrations. And in the other you can find over 45-year-olds who used to smoke regularly and who tried to quit smoking completely, but never made it. Smokers claiming to be non-smokers not only distorted the correct social numbers, they also harmed themselves. „Because they falsely believe they are not smokers and therefore do not intend to quit smoking, these occasional smokers continue to expose themselves to tobacco smoke“, so Al-Delaimy.

Consequences of tobacco smoking
Consequences of tobacco smoking can be, among other things, numerous diseases. Thus, the uptake of tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide and other pollutants via the lungs leads to increased cancers in the area of ​​the pharynx and larynx, the esophagus and the lungs. In addition, there are severe respiratory complaints such as asthma, chronic bronchitis or smoker's cough. Furthermore, when smoking the cardiovascular system is affected. Consequence, for example, the coronary heart disease and associated with a significantly increased risk of heart attack. Tobacco use is also regarded as a significant risk factor for a stroke. So there are enough reasons to quit smoking. (Ad)