Yellow ginger - a real miracle tuber

Yellow ginger - a real miracle tuber / Health News
Healing and Provisioning: Ginger the wonder tuber
For millennia, ginger in Asia is also called miracle tuber. It is not only an important ingredient in the kitchen, but also a valuable remedy. In this country, the tuber is more and more appreciated. Rightly so, because scientists have already shown in studies that ginger helps with travel sickness or has a soothing effect on influenza-like infections.

In the soup or in the tea
Ginger has been used in parts of Asia for thousands of years both as a cooking ingredient and as a cure for disease. Also in this country, the "wonder tuber" becomes more and more popular. So many people know ginger as an ingredient for the pumpkin soup, as part of various Thai curry, in the inserted version to sushi as well as in tea or smoothie. The root with the fruity-spicy touch has become an integral part of modern cuisine in our latitudes. And as a remedy, it is now known by us.

Grated ginger can be an effective remedy for headache if taken in a timely manner. (Image:

Ginger extract can relieve pain in osteoarthritis
Scientifically proven that ginger can relieve pain and anti-inflammatory effect. For example, US scientists at the University of Georgia have found that ginger is effective against muscle pain after excessive exercise. In addition, researchers from the University of Miami in a study with about 250 subjects an analgesic effect on osteoarthritis. It was found that 63 percent of osteoarthritis patients were able to reduce knee pain in a six-week treatment with ginger extracts. Ginger is also used as a home remedy for headaches.

Home remedies for travel sickness
In addition, ginger is often effective in nausea, vomiting and dizziness associated with motion sickness. The FR cites one example: an experiment with 80 Danish cadets taking either a placebo or a gram of ginger powder at sea showed that those who received the powder suffered less from nausea within the next four hours, than those who had received the placebo. As a study with leukemia patients suggests ginger should also relieve the nausea in chemotherapy patients. Last year, the German Cancer Aid reported that the root has a convincing effect against the stomach problems associated with chemotherapy.

Ginger tea for cold symptoms
Ginger is also said to have a positive effect on the eyes. In a study with rats, scientists came to the conclusion that the plant could delay or even prevent the development of cataracts in diabetes. In natural medicine ginger has been used for a long time against high blood lipid levels. Furthermore, ginger is often used for colds. For example, you can peel a thumb-sized piece of ginger, cut into thin slices and pour over a cup of boiling water. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), such a hot ginger tea can boost the immune system.

Vitamins and minerals
Ginger is also popular as a home remedy for fullness. The tuber affects digestive problems, diarrhea, loss of appetite and many other complaints. As the FR writes, you basically do not go wrong if you like to flavor your soup with ginger, because after all, in addition to the essential oils, the root also contains some vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, sodium and calcium. Finally, it is reported that ginger has a warming effect because of its sharpness and also stimulates blood circulation. Thus, it is no wonder that ginger is also sought after as an aphrodisiac. (Ad)