Be mentally fit and help a lot of fruit

Be mentally fit and help a lot of fruit / Health News
Mentally fit in old age: exercise and lots of fruit for seniors
Although aging is usually associated with mental and physical decay, many examples show that you can stay fit and healthy even into old age. Important is a reasonable lifestyle. Seniors are advised to move regularly and eat a lot of fruit. This also helps to stay mentally fit.
Seniors today are physically and mentally fitter
The life expectancy of people is increasing. While not all are allowed to stay healthy until old age, on average, seniors today are more fit than ever before. Today, older people are not only physically, but also mentally fitter. To some extent, this is also related to the lifestyle. Seniors themselves can do a lot to stimulate the gray cells and keep the head fit in old age. A journal explains how older people can do something good for their memory.

In order to stay mentally fit, regular fruit consumption and exercise is sufficient. Image: Marilyn Barbone - fotolia

Regular exercise counteracts mental degradation
The magazine Senioren Ratgeber (January 2016 issue) reports that those who want to do something for the memory should move regularly. Exercise not only keeps the circulation going but also counteracts mental degeneration. This has already been confirmed in scientific studies. According to an older study, one remains mentally fit through endurance sports, as it significantly improves blood circulation and the associated oxygenation of the brain. In addition, sport stimulates nerve growth, as Dr. med. Hartmut Lehfeld from the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the Nuremberg Clinic last year reported on the website of the "Senior Counselor".

Vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids
It is also good, according to the experts, to eat a lot of fruit, vegetables and fish. "The mind needs food - in the literal sense," it says on the website. According to him, there are indications that healthy nutrition slows down the aging of the brain. Among other things, vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids seem to be important. It is also recommended to give up smoking. It destroys gray cells. In order to keep the brain fit into old age, according to other experts, it also lends itself to learning a new language or playing with the grandchildren. But the relaxation should not be neglected. Especially in old age, stress has a negative effect on mental performance, according to the "Senior Counselor". (Ad)