Hearing loss By 2060, millions of people will lose their hearing completely

Hearing loss By 2060, millions of people will lose their hearing completely / Health News
Hearing loss is an ever increasing problem
Many older people know the problem: hearing is getting worse and worse in old age. Hearing loss is widespread and will affect more and more people in the future. American researchers found that millions of people will lose their hearing completely by the year 2060.

The scientists from Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore found in an investigation that by 2060, about 23 percent of American adults will lose their hearing. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery".

Many people suffer from hearing difficulties. If sufferers do not respond to this problem, even a complete loss of hearing threatens. (Picture: Picture-Factory / fotolia.com)

By 2060, 23 percent of Americans will have suffered hearing loss
The current research has shown that by 2020, approximately 44 million American adults (15 percent of adults) will suffer hearing loss. This figure will even increase to 73.5 million (23 percent of adults) by 2060.

Most affected will be people over 70 years
The observed increase will be greatest in older adults. By 2020, 55 percent of adults with hearing loss will be 70 or older, say the experts. By 2060, this rate will have even increased to 67 percent.

Affordable interventions for hearing loss are urgently needed
In the coming decades, there will be an increased need for affordable interventions and services for hearing loss, says author Adele Goman of the John Hopkins Center on Aging and Health. The research team predicted rates of future hearing loss using data from the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Hearing loss is generally a major public health problem that will affect many adults in the future. To solve this problem, novel and cost-effective approaches to the treatment of hearing through health care will be required, say the authors.

Professional hearing aids are still very expensive
The results of the current study show that there is unprecedented growth in this chronic health condition. In order to ensure adequate treatment of the effects of hearing disability on those affected, urgent efforts must be made to ensure public and private coverage. Professional hearing aids are extremely expensive, explain the experts.

Hearing loss reduces the individual quality of life of those affected
Apart from the high costs, the hearing loss affects the individual quality of life and the general ability to communicate. Also, the work of sufferers and social and family activities suffer greatly from an occurring hearing loss, say the medical profession.

In old age, we do not necessarily lose our hearing
Hearing loss was also associated with a decrease in mental ability. This effect demonstrates the need to treat problems with hearing within the population. And this meaning will continue to increase in the future. As people get older, they do not necessarily lose their hearing, the scientists explain. The most common cause of hearing loss is prolonged exposure to very loud noises. These include, for example, loud music and heavy noise in the workplace.

Protect your hearing sufficiently
In general, the hearing must be well protected. For example, people should be careful to limit the volume of the sound of headphones. Workers urgently need to protect themselves sufficiently from the industrial noise in the workplace.

A hearing loss occurs insidiously
Hearing loss is a slow and insidious process. Changes can occur over many years, but these changes are usually irreversible later, the experts explain.

What effects does hearing loss have on older adults??
Older adults who suffer from hearing loss have a higher incidence of depression, anxiety, a higher rate of hospitalization, and also higher rates of falls, say the authors. This is evidence of a possible association between hearing loss and mental decline.

In old age, people should have their hearing checked regularly
If you are 55 to 60 years old, it is best to check your hearing regularly. So you may be able to avoid a complete hearing loss. People should not take hearing loss for granted in old age, say the authors. There are ways to reduce the occurrence of hearing loss and to prevent a complete hearing loss by early treatment, the scientists explain. (As)