Brain damage from mistreatment in childhood

Brain damage from mistreatment in childhood / Health News

Study: Child maltreatment can damage the brain


Maltreatment in childhood, according to a study work in adulthood, clearly visible and thus detectable. Study subjects who were affected in childhood showed a less developed hippocampal area compared to others in brain size. This section is responsible for emotions, among other things. The scientists suspect that for this reason the victims are more susceptible to mental illness.

Physical and mental abuse during childhood lead to traumatic experiences. To cope with the trauma, those affected often have to undergo outpatient and inpatient treatment for years. Many can only cope with their everyday lives with the help of strong medicines. In addition to mental illnesses such as depression or personality disorders, the patient's brain can also experience developmental disorders due to the bad experiences, as scientists report to Martin Teicher from Belmont, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts.

Study with young adults
In research with 193 adult volunteers, US researchers have been able to detect significant changes in the brain even after decades of maltreatment during childhood. The study included adults who reported ongoing traumatic childhood experiences as well as participants who were not mistreated. The subjects were mixed gender, the study was attended by 73 men and 120 women between the ages of 18 and 25 years. Prior to the study, participants were asked about the different traumatic experiences to categorize their experiences of abuse as sexual abuse, emotional neglect, verbal and / or physical violence or verbal abuse. Important factors in the survey were also family backgrounds such as divorces and separation situations of the parents, ongoing problems and other stress-inducing factors.

46 percent said they did not experience any negative experiences in their childhood. 16 percent said that they experienced at least one or more forms of traumatic violence. 25 percent said they have already experienced depressive episodes and other mental illnesses.

Nuclear spin examination showed size differences
In the second round the participants were invited to an examination. The researchers took pictures of the brains of all participants using a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) device. In the subsequent evaluation, the size of the hippocampus was determined. The researchers paid special attention to the three key areas in the area. Previous studies had shown that in the key areas of cells cells produce hormones in response to stress. This happens above all when the brain has not yet fully developed in its development during childhood. The assumption is obvious that in an excessive production of stress hormones, the nerve cells in the hippocampus are disturbed in the development. The hippocampus reacts very vulnerable in the development phase between the third and fifth year of life.

During the study, the scientists found that the group of traumatized individuals had a comparatively smaller hippocampus. The evolutionarily seen in their development very old brain areas are responsible among other things for the formation of feelings and the memory. In study participants who had to experience bad during their childhood, showed smaller key areas in the hippocampus. These were between 5.8 to 6.5 percent smaller than the control group. Measurable changes in the hippocampus region would, according to the scientists observed in a variety of mental illnesses. These include schizophrenia, posttraumatic stress disorder, depression or personality disorders such as borderline.

New explanation for increased incidence of mental illness
With the results, the researchers hope to further explanatory approaches for the study of mental illness. According to the researchers, the results can be used to analyze why people who suffered from maltreatment in their childhood usually suffer more from mental illness such as depression, addiction or other disorders. Due to the "impairments in early childhood, those affected are likely to be more susceptible to mental illness". This must be followed by further studies, said the study director. However, the results point in the direction to be explored. The study report is in the renowned science magazine „Proceedings“ the US Academy of Sciences (PNAS). (Sb)

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Picture: Martin Schemm