Poultry sausage also contains other meat

Poultry sausage also contains other meat / Health News

Poultry sausage also contains pork and beef


Poultry sausages often contain beef and pork. However, this is usually not apparent from the product name. Only a close look at the list of ingredients reveals what is really in the poultry sausage. The German Agricultural Society (DLG) is now calling for clearly visible information on the packaging.

28 per cent of sausages are not made exclusively from poultry meat
Consumers who buy poultry sausages should take a look at the ingredient list of the product in the future. Because those who buy poultry sausages often receive a product that contains poultry meat as well as beef and pork. The DLG warns against raising false expectations among consumers. Therefore, a clearer labeling of the products from which the meat types contained is urgently needed.

In the DLG food testing center, the ingredients lists of about 140 poultry sausages were analyzed, which passed a quality test last year. It emerged that only 28 percent of poultry sausages consist of pure poultry meat. This would usually be justified by the manufacturers for technological reasons, explains the scientific director of the DLG quality inspection, Irina Dederer. Poultry fat is not suitable for the production of any kind of sausage. Especially unsuitable for salami. Instead, vegetable oils would often be used for scalding sausages and cooked sausages as well as vegetable fats for raw sausages.

Biggest German sausage test
The largest German sausage test takes place in the exhibition halls of Erfurt, where experts examine products from around 500 manufacturers. In addition to appearance and consistency smell and taste are in the foreground. Some 770 testers are investigating approximately 6,000 sausages, including liver cheeses, ham, sausages and canned meat.

Participation in the test is voluntary. Manufacturers will be given the opportunity to receive one of the coveted DLG gold, silver or bronze medals for their products. According to DLG, the general trend in the sausage industry is towards light, low-fat products. Consumers would also like to resort to regional and international specialties. In addition, packaged SB-goods would find more and more buyers, while the sale of the sausage counter go back further and further. DLG Vice-President Achim Stiebing stated: „Meat products remain staple foods, but they must meet new enjoyment requirements at a high level of quality.“ (Ag)

Read about sausage:
Meat favors pancreatic cancer
Red meat increases the risk of diabetes
Consumer advocates: too much salt in children's sausages

Picture: Photograph Austria