Poultry, glutamate and animal waste In the case of veal kebabs, chomping is often done
For kebab originally only mutton or lamb was used, but for a long time, the popular fast food is also available with other meats. In snacks it is often advertised that the goods contain 100 percent of this or that meat. As research by the NDR revealed, however, it is often cheated.
When food is tricked
Time and again tricks and deceptions about food are reported. It has been pointed out, for example, that almost all food products contain hidden sugar. Apparently also cheated when it comes to the exact content of kebab. The popular fast food often also contains turkey and meatloaf and additives such as glutamate - although it is touted as a veal kebab.
Doner kebab that can not be called a "doner kebab"
This is the result of laboratory tests commissioned by the NDR consumer magazine "Markt". As the NDR reports on its website, the editorial team has sampled calf doner from snack bars in Hamburg by an accredited food laboratory on the used meats. It turned out that the kebabs did not comply with the guidelines of the food book and therefore can not be called "kebab".
According to the information, four of the five products sold as veal kebabs also contained a high proportion of meat in addition to beef and turkey. "Both the addition of turkey meat, as well as the significant addition of sausage meat and undeclared additives is not allowed in the classic doner kebab," Dr. Volkmar Heinke, food chemist at the State Office for Agriculture, Food Safety and Fisheries Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.
Roast is not allowed
According to the "guidelines for meat and meat products" of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture may be included in Döner sliced meat and up to 60 percent minced meat. "Apart from salt and spices and possibly eggs, onions, oil, milk and yoghurt, kebab kebab contains no other ingredients," it says.
So no meat. "Roast is something that belongs in a boiled sausage," Heinke told the NDR. These are "partly torn skeletal muscles, including vessels, nerves and fatty tissue. So that can be basically everything ".
Meat must be clearly marked
According to the food book, veal doners containing meat, glutamate or turkey must not be sold as "kebab" or "doner kebab", but only as a "rotisserie". But even here, additives and used meats must be clearly labeled for the consumer. However, according to the NDR, none of the farms tested followed this rule.
There are indications that the operators are acting intentionally. Thus, the ready delivered skewers of the large producers are marked after "market" surveys as "rotisserie" and carry the indication to make this clear to the end user. Some operators ignore the obligation to declare, however, and sell the rotisserie as a "doner kebab".
Misleading consumers
Meanwhile, the misleading also employs the authorities. A query from the NDR magazine to the responsible North German provincial offices showed that in their own investigations, they complained about 90 percent of the veal samples because of a variety of defects. The food service operators face fines for prosecution for fraud and up to five years imprisonment in particularly severe cases. (Ad)