Dangerous tick bite In case of a wandering red, always consult a doctor promptly

Wandering red after tick bite: Quick to the doctor
If you are out in the warm season, beware of ticks, as the little bloodsuckers can transmit dangerous diseases. If you are bitten and redness forms around the bite, you should definitely consult a doctor. Because the so-called Wanderröte is an indication of a Lyme disease infection.
Carriers of dangerous diseases
Ticks can transmit dangerous infectious diseases such as tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) or Lyme disease. While the former occurs only in certain risk areas, the latter is widespread nationwide. Although not every tick bite causes Lyme disease, but who after a stay in the countryside noticed a flushing redness on his skin, should definitely consult a doctor - even if he has not noticed any of the crawlies.

Only a small part of the bitten gets infected
"The incidence of Borrelia in ticks varies greatly both regionally and on a small scale and can be up to 30%," writes the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on its website.
According to the experts, scientific research has shown that about five percent of people bitten by a tick get infected with borrelia.
"Only a very small proportion of those infected, around one percent, develop disease symptoms," says the RKI.
Among the symptoms of the disease include general symptoms such as fatigue, night sweats, fever and nonspecific joint and muscle pain.
The so-called "Wanderröte" - a red ring that surrounds the tick bite - is a 100 percent symptom, but only occurs in half of the patients.
Redness gets bigger every day
"The Wanderröte looks like a target," said Hans Michael Mühlenfeld from the family doctors Association in a message from the news agency dpa.
The skin around the puncture site is pale and around this small bright field spreads the redness. "It occurs about three to four days after the bite and stays for about two to three weeks," said the doctor. During this period, the redness is slightly larger every day.
If you notice such redness, you should go to the family doctor. This will - regardless of whether the patient remembers a tick bite - prescribe an antibiotic. "If this is taken according to instructions, it effectively fights the infection," explains Mühlenfeld.
If necessary, compare skin redness with images from the internet
If a Lyme disease infection remains untreated, it can lead to long-term consequences such as joint, heart muscle or nerve inflammation.
As Mühlenfeld points out in the dpa report, it is therefore absolutely necessary to treat an infection in time with antibiotics.
If you are not sure about a redness after an insect bite or bite, you can compare it with pictures of the so-called Erythema migrans on the Internet.
"You can see for yourself if you could be affected," says Mühlenfeld.
Protect against ticks
To avoid infections, it is best to protect yourself from ticks. Ideally, one stays on the trails while walking.
When hiking, you should always remember to wear long trousers and, if necessary, put the trouser legs in the socks. Specialized sprays, known as repellents, can keep the creepy-crawlies away.
In addition, one should search thoroughly after spending time in nature and, if necessary, react quickly.
After a tick bite is urgent. The animal should be removed as soon as possible because: "The tick must suck for a longer time before the pathogen is transmitted," writes the RKI.
"The risk of infection increases after a suction time of more than 12 hours. Removing the tick at an early stage, the transmission risk is therefore very low. "(Ad)