Dangerous slimming coffee with power means

Dangerous slimming coffee with power means / Health News

Authority warning of slimming coffee with Viagra ingredient


The State Investigation Office Rhineland-Palatinate (LUA) warns of a slimming coffee with Potency. The product is under the name „Brazil Potent Slimming Coffee“ offered on the internet. The authority points to the high health risk of the combination of active substances contained therein.

Slimming coffee with Potency means high health risk
The idea of ​​losing weight while drinking coffee and gaining potency at the same time may seem tempting, but the LUA strongly advises against using such products. In the specific case, the customs Germersheim had packet of „Brazil Potent Slimming Coffee“ confiscated. As it turns out, the coffee powder contains the active ingredients phenolphthalein and sildenafil. Phenolphthalein has a laxative effect and should therefore support fast weight loss. Since it is suspected of causing cancer, the substance was banned. „In contrast, products containing sildenafil are subject to approval and prescription in Germany and are used under medical supervision to treat erectile dysfunction. Obviously, Brazil Potent Slimming Coffee does not have such a license“, informs the LUA. „The highly effective Sildenafil can cause side effects such as headache, facial flushing, dizziness and stomach discomfort. When taken with a number of cardiac drugs at the same time threatening life-threatening interactions.“

In Germany, the trade in such slimming and sexual enhancement drugs under the Medicines Act is a criminal offense. Nevertheless, corresponding products are repeatedly discovered by the authorities.

To recognize is the „Brazil Potent Slimming Coffee“ on a conspicuous packaging. „The pouches depict a steaming cup of coffee and the silhouette of a slender naked woman. The packaging is printed with alleged Thai characters. At the same time, the cheeky assertion in the English language that the coffee comes from Brazilian production and is a 100 percent natural product“, informs the LUA. (Ag)