Dangerous gut germ KPC stopped in Leipzig

Dangerous gut germ KPC stopped in Leipzig
Since April no CCP germs have been found at the University of Leipzig. Seven patients had died of it since the outbreak two years ago.
A total of 98 proven cases
since „almost three months“ according to their own statements at the University of Leipzig (UKL) no multidrug-resistant pathogen of the type KPC (Klebsiella pneumoniae with carbapenemas formation) has been detected more. In a statement states: „The last proof was in early April.“ CCP affects the urinary tract and the respiratory system and is resistant to many antibiotics. There have been 98 proven cases in the UKL since July 2010, of which seven are cases „"The fatal cases were without exception severely ill patients, often with chronic pre-existing conditions where there was little chance of survival, and most of the patients were merely carriers of the germ, without resulting in health restrictions.
There is no 100 percent protection
In the summer of 2012, the hospital had responded to the accumulation of CCP cases and taken various protective measures, including patient screening, the establishment of three isolation wards, and increased control of antibiotic use. „We have to be aware that there is no 100 percent protection against hospital infections and can give, "said the Medical Board, Prof. Wolfgang E. Fleig. „The CCP outbreak triggered three years ago by a patient taken in from Greece has been successfully curbed, but we have to live with the fact that CCP and other multidrug-resistant agents will continue to occupy us. "Professor Arne Rodloff, Director of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and UKL Hygienist, thinks that the UKL is now „a pioneering role in the control and research of the pathogen resistant to most antibiotics“ occupies. The protective measures should also be maintained in the future.
Resistant germs are a growing problem
Also, the Berlin University Hospital Charité came a few months ago because of a CCP outbreak in the headlines. Bacteriologists of the renowned clinic reported an outbreak of the bacterial Klebsiella pneumoniae (KPC-3). The medical director of the clinic, Professor Ulrich Frei, emphasized that „the outbreak is taken with this germ especially seriously“, however, also pointed to the increasing prevalence of resistant bacteria and limited therapeutic options. The presiding hygienist, Professor Petra Gastmeyer emphasized: „We must be prepared for the emergence of more and more carbapenem-resistant bacteria in Europe's hospitals over the next few years. "(Ad)