Dangerous tick bites in dogs prevention and therapy

Summer time is tick time. The little bloodsuckers can not only transmit dangerous infectious diseases in humans, but also in dogs. Experts have tips on how best to protect their four-legged friend and what to do with a tick bite.
A tick bite can also be dangerous for dogs
They lurk in grasses, in the foliage or on branches: this year are especially many ticks on the way. The small bloodsuckers can transmit dangerous infectious diseases such as tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) or Lyme disease. But not only in humans, but also in dogs, a tick bite can be dangerous. Although there are enough ways animals can heal themselves. For example, by rolling in the mud to shake off ticks. But the owners can also do a lot to protect their four-legged friends.

Protection against parasites
Tierfreunde Österreich has some tips on how to protect your own dog and what to do in the event of a tick bite.
The four-legged friends are very much haunted by the parasites. According to the experts, (biological) spot-on preparations can prevent ticks from their dangerous bite. However, if one of the bloodsuckers should "bite", it dies immediately after the bite. The preparations, which can be dripped directly onto the skin, penetrate from there into the uppermost skin layers, whereby the animal is protected for up to four weeks.
Coconut oil is intended to repel ticks
As it is further said, coconut oil is said to have a tick-repelling effect. Therefore, it is recommended as a precautionary measure, the quadruped daily with the oil. Ticks collars, however, are continuously worn and release their active ingredients for several months, also with the aim of repelling the bloodsucker, even before they can bite. As the spread of tick-borne pathogens varies from region to region, dog owners should always be aware of the particular tick risk at the resort before traveling. Also in the home region you should know about the respective danger. Information about which species of ticks are particularly common and which pathogens they can transmit should be obtained from the veterinarian in case of doubt.
Not every tick bite leads to a disease
Despite all the preventive measures dogs are bitten again and again by the little animals. What should be done then? If a tick is discovered in one's own four-legged friend, keep calm. Not every tick bite ends inevitably with a disease.
According to the information, a tick usually has to suck blood for between 16 and 24 hours in order to transmit dangerous germs. Even then, there is no guarantee that the disease will actually break out. The best way to remove bitten ticks is with tools such as a pair of ticks or a tick hook. This process takes place in rotary motion, the direction does not matter. It is not recommended to apply glue or oils to the tick. This prolongs the death struggle of the tick, which then releases more saliva, which in turn can contain dangerous germs.
Search the dog after each walk
According to the Austrian animal friends as the most commonly transmitted by tick-borne dog diseases in addition to Lyme disease, anaplasmosis and babesiosis and the Ehrlichiosis. According to this, it is predominantly distributed in the Mediterranean and in the southern regions of Europe and is therefore known as a motion sickness. Unlike humans, TBE rarely occurs in dogs because the four-legged friends have certain antibodies to the virus. The dog should always be extensively examined for ticks after each walk.If he suffers from a tick bite symptoms such as loss of appetite, fever, arthritis, paralysis, muscle pain or tremors, dizziness, swollen lymph nodes, nosebleeds, jaundice or yellow discolored urine should promptly a veterinarian will be consulted. (Ad)