Dangerous Sleep Disorder Most sufferers have no idea that they are sleepwalking

Dangerous Sleep Disorder Most sufferers have no idea that they are sleepwalking / Health News
Somnambulism: Sleepwalkers live dangerously
Sleepwalking (somnambulism) is a sleep disorder in which sufferers leave the bed, walk around and sometimes perform more complex activities. A new study now shows that apparently more sleepwalkers injured on their nightly excursions than previously thought.

Somnambulism can be dangerous
Sleepwalkers leave the bed at night, walk around, or in some cases perform more complicated activities such as preparing food or even driving a car. And all without waking up. Therefore, the sleep disorder, which is referred to in the jargon as somnambulism, dangerous for those affected. A study by scientists from Switzerland has now shown that not all who are injured on the nightly excursions are aware that they are sleepwalkers.

Sleepwalkers do not have to climb onto the roof to endanger themselves. Even minor accidents can lead to some serious injuries. (Image: milkovasa / fotolia.com)

Injuries during night accidents
Most health experts point out that the assumption that sleepwalkers are not allowed to wake up is wrong. Because with the nightly - unconscious - activities it can also come to accidents.

According to a new study by the University Emergency Center of the Inselspital Bern, many people are not aware of the injuries caused by nocturnal accidents because they are sleepwalkers.

Only a few injured knew that they were sleepwalkers
As reported by the emergency center in a press release, the study showed that sleepwalkers can also seriously injure themselves on their nightly outings.

For the investigation, the emergency center identified over eleven years out of a total of 620,000 treated patients eleven who had been injured while sleepwalking. "They had fallen out of bed, from the stairs or even out of the window. Four had to stay in the hospital with orthopedic injuries for further clarification - two of them were more seriously injured. Only two patients knew they were sleepwalkers, "the experts write.

Important information for emergency personnel
It was reported to be the first systematic recording of injuries in this group of patients from a catchment area of ​​two million people. The study was published in the Journal of Western Emergency Medicine.

According to the statement, "Medscape," an information portal for physicians, honors her as a "top story" in the field of emergency medicine because the results can provide emergency personnel with important clues to the cause of otherwise inexplicable injuries.

"Few emergency doctors know the injuries that sleepwalkers can contract. These include falls, cuts and other wounds. There are people who are particularly vulnerable to disposition or medication. Our study should also help to advise them to prevent self-injury in the night, "said first author Dr. med. med. Thomas Sauter.

Ensure better sleep hygiene
About two to three percent of adults sleepwalk. In children, it is between 15 (to six years) and eleven percent (six to eleven years) due to the immature central nervous system.

According to researchers, sleepwalking is triggered by a genetic predisposition coupled with stress. In addition, the risk of some medications, fever or a crowded bladder can be increased.

All factors that disturb sleep should be eliminated as much as possible. Simple tips and home remedies for insomnia: avoid nicotine, caffeine, alcohol, heavy meals and excitement, such as exciting movies, before bedtime. The bedroom should be kept dark.

Since even psychic influences such as anger or stress can often trigger sleep disorders, health experts recommend relaxation exercises for stress relief such as autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation or yoga. (Ad)