Dangerous pollutants in wooden toys

Dangerous pollutants in wooden toys / Health News

Stiftung Warentest detects harmful substances in wooden toys for children


Wooden toys enjoy a reputation for many parents as supposedly natural. However, many different pollutants have been found in wooden toys in the past. In a recent investigation now contained „more than half dangerous substances - in paint, plywood or strings“, so the message of the Stiftung Warentest.

The testers had examined 30 wooden toys for children up to the age of three for the presence of pollutants and possible risks from small parts that could be swallowed. The result is sobering: only eight products were sold as „Well“ and six as „satisfying“ rated. Seven wooden toys received one „inadequate“ Evaluation. According to the Stiftung Warentest, several toys could not have been sold.

Children absorb dangerous substances
Possible risks for children playing with the wooden toys are on the one hand directly on soluble small parts, which could be swallowed. On the other hand, the pollutants contained pose a long-term health risk, as children inhale the dangerous substances and absorb them through the mouth and skin, „while they suck on the toy, nibble or just touch it“, reports the Stiftung Warentest. Swallowing small parts, which children could choke in the worst case, have been solved by two tested wooden toys. „The Motorikspiel pond and the wagon jewelery clown on the ring of the company Hess from Saxony expose children to this direct danger“, so the message of the Stiftung Warentest. Both products should not have been sold according to the testers in this form. Pollutants that can cause long-term damage to the genome, reproductive ability and cancer, the testers showed „in paints, rivets, strings or in plywood“ toys, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), nickel, nitrosatable substances, organotin compounds and formaldehyde.

Parents should look for the wooden toy on the seal of approval
In particular, the paints of the tested wooden toys were, according to the Stiftung Warentest often contaminated with pollutants. So for example „in the green varnish of the wood frog of New Classic Toys carcinogenic Chrysen, a PAH“, found. The red cord of the frog also contained carcinogenic benzidine, which is actually banned in the EU. „The frog is not marketable“, so the verdict of the tester. Also three of four timber trains were in the test „because of critical findings poor.“ For some puzzles, the plywood panels would also have released higher amounts of formaldehyde. However, the test also showed that it is possible, „Produce toys that do not endanger the health of children“, so the message of the Stiftung Warentest. Here are above all the manufacturers demanded. The parents advise the testers to use preferably toys with a test seal. For example, from independent institutes the „GS mark for tested safety“ which places higher demands on the products and more protection than „CE mark“ offer. Of the 30 tested toys, however, according to the Stiftung Warentest, only five had a GS mark, with three of them „Well“, one each „satisfying“ and one „sufficient“ sections. (Fp)

Picture: delater