Dangerous combination Increased risk of accidents due to energy drinks with alcohol

Energy drinks have enjoyed uninterrupted popularity for years. In bars and pubs, sweet drinks are often mixed with alcohol. This combination is especially dangerous for your health. In addition, this increases the risk of accidents, as a recent study shows.
Energy drinks endanger your health
It has long been known that energy drinks pose a health hazard. Firstly, because of the extreme amount of sugar contained - one can contain up to 13 sugar cubes - and on the other hand because of the caffeine. The latter can increase the ability to concentrate in moderate dosage, counteract fatigue and increase physical performance, but excessive caffeine intake can cause side effects such as nervousness, increased excitability, sweating, palpitations or insomnia.

Mixture with alcohol
In addition, such drinks - especially with alcohol - can be a risk to the heart.
This combination can obviously even addict. As reported by US scientists in the journal "PLOS ONE," their study shows that caffeinated mixed drinks with alcohol can affect the brain like cocaine - especially in adolescents.
But this mix holds another danger.
Increased accident risk
Those who consume energy drinks with alcohol expose themselves to an increased accident risk. This was the result of a study by researchers from the University of Victoria in Canada.
To reach their conclusions, Audra Roemer's team reviewed 13 studies published between 1981 and 2016 on alcohol and energy drinks.
Scientists report in a statement from the university that people who mix caffeine-containing energy drinks with alcoholic beverages are at an increased risk of injury, both intentional (fighting, violence, and attempted suicide) and unintentional (accident) accidents Falls, tripping and motorized transport).
The study results were recently published in the journal "Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs".
Effect of caffeine obscures the effect of the alcohol
"The stimulating effect of caffeine covers the effect of alcohol," says Roemer.
"Usually you get tired when you drink alcohol and you go home. Energy drinks cover this up so that people underestimate how drunk they are, causing them to stay away longer, consume more alcohol, and take riskier behavior, even with more dangerous drinking habits, "the study author said.
"However, given the variability in the relatively few studies on the subject, researchers have not been able to determine statistically the exact extent of the increased risk associated with the mixture of alcohol and energy drinks," the statement said.
Risk increases twentyfold
Roemer is currently investigating the relationship between alcohol, energy drinks and injuries in another investigation.
"If we just look at the alcohol alone, there is a clear relationship between dose and effect: if you drink more, the risk increases," said the expert.
The risk of injury is therefore twice as likely with one or two drinks as with a person who is completely sober. With six drinks you have a sixfold risk.
But if you mix the alcoholic drink with an energy drink, the risk increases about twenty times, according to a preliminary analysis. (Ad)