Vulnerable persons Who should get vaccinated against the flu now?

Respiratory Diseases: Get vaccinated against the flu now
Already doctors advise to be vaccinated against the upcoming flu. Above all, risk groups are called upon to protect themselves against the approaching influenza. Because the right flu leads to thousands of deaths each year. For the first time, the statutory health insurance companies grant a right to full payment for the quadruple vaccine against influenza.
Particularly difficult course
The last flu season was particularly difficult and led to about nine million visits to the doctor. More than 330,000 laboratory-confirmed flu cases with influenza viruses were reported last winter. Almost 60,000 people had to be hospitalized in hospitals. In 1,665 people, the infection ended fatally. If you do not want to take unnecessary risks this winter, you should already be able to take advantage of protection options and have yourself vaccinated, health experts advise.

Arm in time for influenza
In order to protect yourself from a flu infection, it is basically useful to strengthen the immune system, keep away from patients and regularly wash their hands.
Protection offered by the Standing Vaccination Committee (STIKO) at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and other health experts, especially for people at increased risk of serious disease.
"In particular, older people who can be particularly affected by a severe flu, should arm in time against influenza," said Heidi Günther, pharmacist at the Barmer in a statement from the health insurance.
"After vaccination at the doctor's body takes about ten to 14 days, until he has established sufficient protection against the virus," said the expert.
Vaccination protection especially important for people from risk groups
A flu is not a simple cold, but a serious disease that could tie the person over a period of days or even weeks to bed.
The sufferer often suffers from sudden high fever, dry cough and severe head and body aches.
"People over the age of 60, the chronically ill and pregnant women are at an increased risk of having a particularly severe flu course and should therefore be vaccinated," said Günther.
But even people who come in contact with many others daily and thus have an increased risk of infection should protect themselves.
These included medical and nursing staff in hospitals and nursing homes, retail workers, bus drivers and teachers.
For these risk groups, the health insurance funds take over the cost of the flu vaccine.
Vaccine protects against multiple virus strains
Because influenza viruses can change rapidly, the vaccine is adjusted annually. "The current flu vaccine protects against two influenza A and B strains. As a rule, the doctor injects him into the upper arm, "explained Günther.
Since the vaccine is made using chicken eggs, it is not suitable for people with severe chicken egg allergy.
In a mild allergy, however, it can usually be administered easily. (Ad)