Dangers for children Many cuddly toys contain dangerous substances

For many children, plush toys are the "best friend" and loyal companion. Accordingly, it is important that the cuddly animals contain no dangerous substances, are cleanly processed and free of defects. But the reality looks quite different. As a recent investigation of Stiftung Warentest revealed, only a few copies are actually suitable for playing and cuddling. Accordingly, out of 30 tested stuffed animals only eight had been found to be "recommended".
Testers examine 30 cuddly toys for safety and pollution
Whether teddy bear, hedgehog or monkey: Almost every child has a favorite cuddly toy, which is taken everywhere, constantly cuddled and pressed. But as the Stiftung Warentest currently informs, many of these plushy "friends" are actually not suitable for it.
The testers had selected a total of 30 different plush toys for their examination, putting together a colorful mix of rabbits, sheep, monkeys, elephants and others. The animals were examined in the laboratory for safety and pollution, which among other things, was examined how great the risk of swallowable items is or whether the animals stay healthy despite tearing and tugging on arms and legs. The experts came to a shocking result, because only the test for pollution brought for two-thirds of the toys a poor result.

Carcinogenic PAH in the coat
According to the Foundation, in 19 cases critical amounts of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in plush, label or mane had been detected and 13 animals were exposed to the carcinogenic PAH "Chrysen". Seven specimens contained, according to the information, "in significant quantities" the PAH "naphthalene", which according to information from the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) is classified as genotoxic and carcinogenic. "So a health risk for humans can not be ruled out even with low exposure", so the BfR.
Dangerous softeners in penguin feet
In the feet of the "rock penguin" of Kösen, the testers also discovered carcinogenic formaldehyde, as well as in two other animals so-called "phthalates" ("plasticizer") are detected. These are considered to be problematic because they are suspected of acting like hormones and thereby To cause infertility or diabetes in men.
Three animals were unable to pass the safety test, as the sutures on the arms, ears and feet tore so far that children could get to the filling and take them in their mouths, reports the magazine. These were the fantasy animal "Pegasus Cerise" by Karstadt, the dragon "Kuno" by Käthe Kruse and "Hoppi dangling rabbit" by Steiff. Since the three soft toys violate the legal requirements, the manufacturers and the supervisory authorities have been informed, the report continues.
Only one animal receives the top grade
In total, 21 plush animals were given a "defective", including those from well-known manufacturers such as Käthe Kruse, Kösen, Sigikid and Steiff, summing up the experts of Stiftung Warentest. Only the bunny of "Senger animal dolls" for almost 60 € reached the top grade "very good". Six other animals finished with "good", another managed at least a "satisfactory".
In view of the results, the head of department of the Stiftung Warentest, Dr. med. Holger Brackemann, clear words of criticism: "In four investigations, we have tested since 2010 150 toys [...] Of the toys corresponded to one tenth product not the legal requirements, so should not have been sold. I do not know any other industry from our tests that does not comply with legal safety regulations with such regularity, "says the expert, according to a statement from the foundation. (No)