Cervical Cancer Do not disregard these early warning signs

Cervical Cancer Do not disregard these early warning signs / Health News

What are early warning signs for cervical cancer?

Cancer is a disease that should be diagnosed as early as possible to enable effective treatment. However, many symptoms of cancer only appear when the cancer is already advanced. Researchers have now found that bleeding after sex or between periods may be a sign of cervical cancer.

Scientists at Cancer Research UK warned that vaginal bleeding outside the period may indicate cervical cancer. Women should take this into account if they want to avoid such a cancer.

Cervical cancer is a terrible disease for every woman. Many sufferers even die of the disease. (Image: fotoliaxrender / fotolia.com)

Women should take vaginal bleeding seriously outside the period

One of the common symptoms of cervical cancer is vaginal bleeding outside of the rule, say the staff of Cancer Research UK. If women get bleeding between periods, during or after sex, and after their menopause, it may indicate cervical cancer. The description of the other common symptoms included, for example, pain and discomfort during intercourse, discharge from the vagina and pain in the area between the hip bones.

Have your doctor check for unusual bleeding

In case of unusual bleeding women should consult a doctor, say the experts from the NHS. However, vaginal bleeding may not always be a sign of cancer; it can have a variety of causes. Occurring bleeding thus does not mean that sufferers forcibly suffer from cervical cancer, reassure the researchers. Unusual vaginal bleeding, however, must be examined by your family doctor, the doctors add. Signs and symptoms of cervical cancer include:

  • Vaginal bleeding,
  • constipation,
  • Loss of bladder control,
  • Blood in the urine,
  • bone pain,
  • severe pain in the side or in the back

What is the human papillomavirus?

Cervical cancer is caused in almost all cases by the so-called human papillomavirus (HPV). This is a very common virus, which can be transmitted through any kind of sexual contact with a man or a woman, explain the experts from the NHS in the English language magazine "Express". There are more than 100 types of HPV, many of which are harmless. However, some types may cause abnormal changes in cervical cells, which can lead to cervical cancer. To lessen the risk, the British government is offering young girls an HPV vaccine that prevents them from getting infected with the virus and resulting cancer develop. Cervical cancer is the 13th most common cancer in the UK.

Lifestyle changes reduce the risk of cervical cancer

There is no way to prevent cervical cancer, but you can reduce your risk with a few lifestyle changes. Smoking generally increases the risk of cancer. The immune system of smokers has difficulty removing the HPV infection from the body. HPV can be spread through unprotected intercourse, so using a condom can also reduce the risk of infection. (As)