Holistic medicine in the best sense with high practical relevance

Holistic medicine in the best sense with high practical relevance / Health News
On 11 and 12 June, the International Society for Oxyvening Therapy e.V. invited its members and other interested parties to the annual congress at the Ramada Hotel in Kassel. National and international speakers and book authors spoke about their new research results with close practical relevance. In addition to oxyvenation as a component of complementary therapy concepts, documented by means of laboratory results and case documentation, differentiated diagnostic options as well as individual and reproducible therapy options based on them were further key topics of the event. The focus was moreover on chronic inflammation as one of the causes of secondary diseases. The intestine with its metabolic system was examined particularly with a view to possible imbalances in the microbial milieu and its causes and regulation. Therapeutic success barriers, such as the impact of toxins on the complex cellular system of metabolism, were analyzed and opportunities for reducing or eliminating them discussed.

It was confirmed that the safe oxyvenation therapy according to Dr. med. Regelsberger, neurologist and neurosurgeon, is recommended in many cases of chronic diseases as a promising component of a holistic therapy concept. This is due to the fact that the small oxygen bubbles injected intravenously into the blood, i.a. cause the formation of vasodilatory and anti-inflammatory substances and the elimination of excess tissue water (edema). As a result, the ability of the platelets to adhere is reduced, which reduces the risk of thrombosis. Another positive effect is that eosinophilic granulocytes reproduce better as essential factors of the body's own defense under oxyvenation. In short, the immune system is modulating and becoming more responsive.

Holistic medicine. Image: stokkete - fotolia

Influencing the interleukin patterns, which act as messengers of the immune system, was another topic of the lecture. The presented research results showed a common intersection and were rounded off by findings in the field of heart rate variance analysis, which serves to harmonize the autonomic nervous system.

In the industrialized nations, nearly every human being suffers from three to four chronic diseases up to the age of 60, in which inflammatory processes almost always play a role in the causal cascade. The more precisely these causes can be identified, the more precisely reproducible therapy concepts can be developed that offer a wide range of individual scope - depending on the patient and symptom picture. The message and the conclusion of the congress were clear: Almost all chronic diseases are based on similar patterns of development. Once a disease is chronic, the therapist faces the challenge of looking at the symptoms from multiple angles. Interdisciplinary expert knowledge can enrich the sole symptom-related approach immensely and lead to individually tailored therapy concepts for affected patients. The stated goal is to work therapeutically to eliminate all factors that block self-healing and to support those that naturally enable them. Such a background justifies the term holisticity that is popular today, in an authentic way.

At the International Society for Oxyvening Therapy e.V., the lecture program with lecturers is available and soon most lectures will be available on CD or USB stick. (Pm)