Ganglion What can help with an over-leg on the wrist?

The ganglion is the most common benign soft tissue tumor on the hand. It is the small "Knubbel" usually just a visual "blemish", because complaints are rare. However, if the over-leg presses e.g. On a nerve, pain and restricted mobility may occur. In this case, a doctor should always be consulted and advised on possible treatment steps.
People under 40 and women especially often affected
A ganglion (cleg) is a viscous fluid-filled chamber (cyst) in the area of an articular capsule or tendon sheath that is usually well visible and palpable beneath the skin. The nodule usually forms on the wrist or on the joints of the fingers, more rarely on the knee or on the foot, reports Renée Fuhrmann to the news agency "dpa". Ganglia are counted among the benign soft tissue tumors, the term "tumor" here is misleading, as this describes only the occurring swelling. This can occur at any age, but younger people and women are affected much more frequently.

Over-legs usually cause no pain
A ganglion filled with the so-called "synovial fluid" looks like a "round bump" and often happens, explains the chief physician of the Department of Foot and Ankle Surgery at a hospital in Bad Neustadt an der Saale. It can occur both individually and in different places at the same time, in addition, the size of the over-legs can vary greatly and even reach several centimeters in diameter. "As a rule, they are painless," adds Fuhrmann. Accordingly, when exercising or running, there would normally be no restrictions unless certain movements could be painful.
For severe complaints surgery is an option
It can also be unpleasant when, for example, an over-leg on the foot causes the shoe to no longer fit. Even if a cyst presses on nerves and vessels in some cases pain, circulatory disturbances and / or a feeling of numbness or tingling can arise. If the symptoms get worse, the person concerned should in any case, as a precaution, consult a doctor and have the excess leg removed on an outpatient basis, advises the doctor. The procedure is usually performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia, after which normally no immobilization is required. Instead, a compression bandage is applied and the fingers can be moved immediately after surgery.
Relieve mild discomfort with wrist bandage
On the other hand, if the symptoms and limitations of the overbone are less pronounced, treatment usually begins with conservative or non-surgical treatment. For example, a wrist bandage may be considered for relief, which is often used in combination with anti-inflammatory drugs. Other possibilities exist e.g. In physiotherapy and strengthening exercises, with larger swellings also aspirate the liquid (puncture) into consideration. (No)