Often ear pressure? Go to the doctor!

Often ear pressure? Go to the doctor! / Health News

Continuing pressure on the ear should be checked by a doctor


Ear pressure is a harmless symptom of changes in air or ambient pressure, but can also be a concomitant of illnesses. If the symptoms occur over a longer period of time, you should urgently consult a doctor.

The pressure equalization between the air pressure in the ear and the external pressure normally occurs when swallowing. The so-called Eustachian tube, which connects the nasopharynx with the middle ear, is opened briefly. Even when yawning this is the case. In addition, a pressure equalization can be brought about by holding the affected nose and at the same time press air, reports the news agency „dpa“with reference to the German Professional Association of Otolaryngologists in Neumünster. If the ear pressure does not diminish even when attempting to equalize the pressure, the experts advise you to consult a doctor, as you may be at risk of chronic middle ear infection or persistent hearing impairment.

Ventilation disturbance of the Eustachian tube often cause
Constant ear pressure is to be understood as an indication of a ventilation disorder of the Eustachian tube, which in turn can be due to various causes. "If, for example, the mucous membrane in the interior of the Eustachian tube swells due to inflammation, the ventilation mechanism is impaired and accompanying symptoms are often tinnitus and earache." Also through secretions "the Eustachian tube, for example, can be closed by a cold". According to the experts, for example, to offer pressure equalization again, I offer nasal irrigation. If in doubt, a balloon dilatation can help the doctor.

Balloon dilatation as last option?
However, balloon dilatation should only be considered after the remaining treatment options have been unsuccessful, as this requires intervention under anesthesia. By inserting and then inflating a tiny balloon, the ear trumpet is stretched or widened. Then normalize not only the ear pressure, but also the hearing will be restored in many cases, so the announcement of „dpa“. As a rule, however, the success of the treatment can only be determined after a few weeks, since the eustachian tube initially remains somewhat swollen. (Fp)

Picture: Lupo