TBE ticks spread in Hesse

TBE ticks spread in Hesse / Health News

TBE: Ticks spread in Hesse

As soon as the spring sun can be seen in the sky, the first tick warning is heard: In Hesse, ticks that can transmit the TBE virus have spread to other areas. Thus, the number of reported cases from 2008 to 2009 is said to have doubled to a total of 16. Of these, according to Ulrich Falk, head of the Odenwald district health department, less than half come from the southernmost districts Odenwald, Bergstrasse, Darmstadt-Dieburg, which are already known as defined risk areas in Hesse according to the Robert Koch Institute. The vast majority of TBE cases in Germany have so far been recorded mainly in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria.

TBE: Reportable meningitis
The Fruhsommer-MeningoeNzephalitis (FSME), which is transmitted by the tick of the tick species Ixodes ricinus, also known as wood buck, is a reportable infection of the brain membranes. The disease initially proceeds with flu-like symptoms and fever, which can occur at intervals. The disease becomes threatening when the high fever is accompanied by severe head and neck pain as a sign of meningitis. If the inflammation spreads to the brain, it can lead to epileptic seizures and consciousness clouding. If the spinal cord is affected, this sometimes leads to paralysis. Because FSME can also lead to death, a doctor or hospital should be consulted immediately in case of suspicion.

Prevention as a means of choice
A vaccine for the immunization against the virus disease is available, since 2002 also specifically for children. While the vaccination rate in children has since been increased from ten to 67% through preventive care campaigns in Hesse, older people continue to show restrained behavior in their vaccination behavior.

Prevention is still irreplaceable with appropriate clothing covering the arms and legs, tight-fitting footwear and avoiding stays in shrubs and undergrowth. In the evening (not only) children should be examined from head to toe on ticks. If a wood trestle finds itself, it must be properly removed, for example, with a special purpose tongs. General measures that strengthen the immune system can preventively prevent the body from surviving an infection with the pathogen without major complications.

When the woodblock has stabbed
Once the log has been stabbed and the virus has been transmitted, conventional bed rest and symptom relief (such as chemical antipyretics, analgesics) are on the agenda.
Naturopathic come in addition to the relief of discomfort, e.g. with willow bark and linden flower tea all measures in question, which support the body in the mobilization of existing self-healing powers. These include a three-day fasting, which should increase the immune activity (especially the so-called Fresszellen) and the adequate supply of fluid. Homeopathic remedies or nosodes can also be used under expert guidance. (Dipl.Päd. Jeanette Viñals Stein, Naturopath, 25.03.2010)

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