Fructose increases gout risk

Fructose increases gout risk / Health News

Fructose in sodas and juices increases the risk of gout, especially in women

(14.11.2010) Lemonades and juices with a proportion of fructose increase the risk of gout in women. Although men tend to suffer from painful gout, however, according to a scientific study by the US University of Boston, fructan consumption puts women at particular risk if a disposition already exists. Women should therefore pay attention to moderate fructose consumption. Already a glass shower increases the risk of disease by 74 percent.

Gout, a dangerous metabolic disease
Gout (uricopathy) is a metabolic disease that runs in spurts and worsens in an inadequate therapy continues to worsen. Various deposits in the joints and in the tissue lead to harmful changes in the cartilage and bone mass. The reason for this is increased levels of uric acid in the blood. Uric acid is produced by the breakdown of certain foods (purines such as meat, especially offal and fish) and the body's own cells. The sufferers mainly suffer from sudden onset of severe pain in the joints. It also causes redness and swelling in the affected regions. In most cases, fever appears as a sign of inflammation. The disease is not only very painful, but can lead to continuous damage to the excretory system. The worst consequence is renal insufficiency (chronic kidney failure).

High consumption of soft drinks increases the occurrence of gout
Gout is now considered by medical professionals as so-called „Lifestyle disease“ designated. Distribution has more than doubled between 1977 and 1996 in the USA. The actual value is likely to be much higher today. The scientists assume that the increased consumption of sugared sodas and soft drinks is responsible for this. To corroborate this suspicion, researchers at the University of Boston undertook a combined study of some 80,000 nurses. The study found that even a glass of sweetened lemonade increases the risk of gout by 74 percent compared to abstinence. Drowning the subjects two glasses a day, doubled on average even the risk.

Fruit juices also increase the risk
But not only the high consumption of shower increases the risk of disease. If the study participants drank a glass of orange juice daily, the risk increased by 41 percent. Again, it could be observed that with twice the amount of orange juice, the risk also doubled. The researchers wrote in the medical journal „Jama“ In conclusion, "drinks with a high fructose content can increase the uric acid values ​​and thus the risk of gout". Especially women who have other risk factors should restrict the consumption of fructose. (Sb)

Also read:
Lower blood pressure with less sugar
Attractiveness through fruits and vegetables?
Too much fructose in ready-to-eat foods

Picture credits: sokaeiko