Spring cleaning replaces fitness training

Spring cleaning replaces fitness training / Health News

The spring cleaning can keep you fit and healthy


Spring is here and many are now packing up for spring cleaning. Some are thoroughly cleaning as one „bad topic“. But whoever can bring himself to this can also rethink. Because the big spring cleaning is also an ideal sports program! The intensive movement, numerous muscle parts are addressed and the calories tumble every minute.

For many people, the spring cleaning is a "tiresome topic but needs to be done". So if you are having a hard time with it, you can quickly rethink it with a simple trick. Anyone looking at large-scale cleaning as a sport can also develop more enjoyment for it. Because the cleaning can be used well as endurance training. For vacuuming, window cleaning, floor wiping and bath cleansing, an average adult body uses around 600 kilocalories, as Alexandra Borchard-Becker from the Consumer Initiative in Berlin said. This would also consume an adult weighing about 70 kilograms in an hour of jogging, cycling or active swimming. It would be best to stretch and stretch during the spring cleaning. Then you do „even more for the fitness.

Dispense with conventional cleaners
Even if not everything is cleaned at once in the apartment, benefits from the movement. According to the consumer initiative, the body loses about half a hour of vacuuming and another 15 minutes of wiping about 200 calories. An hour of cleaning the windows consumes about 320 calories. If you thoroughly clean the tiles for about 15 minutes, you only need 75 calories, yet scrubbing tiles provides a good training for the muscles, because the arms are regularly moved with great effort if they are alternated regularly. Dispensing with chemical cleaners not only protects the environment but also makes the cleaning process in the sense of training a little more difficult. Instead, natural vinegar cleansers or citric acid are also suitable for calcareous stains on the tiles. (Sb)

Also read:
Spring cleaning: detergents make you ill

Picture: "halmackenreuter"