Fresh vegetables protect against cardiovascular disease more than thought

Fresh vegetables protect against cardiovascular disease more than thought / Health News

How does the consumption of vegetables affect vascular disease??

Unfortunately, cardiovascular diseases are widespread and often lead to life-threatening effects for those affected. To avoid such diseases, people should simply consume more vegetables. Researchers now found that older Australian women had less carotid wall thickness as a result of consuming a lot of vegetables.

People should eat more vegetables to protect themselves from cardiovascular disease. Researchers at the University of Western Australia at Crawley found in their recent research that consuming vegetables reduces wall thickness of the carotid artery. The physicians published the results of their study in the English-language journal "Journal of the American Heart Association".

Many older people suffer from cardiovascular disease. Researchers found that people can protect themselves from such diseases by consuming more so-called cross-pollinator vegetables. (Image: Kzenon /

What causes subclinical atherosclerosis??

So far, few studies have investigated the potential effects of different types of vegetables on signs of subclinical atherosclerosis, explains study author Dr. Lauren Blekkenhorst from the University of Western Australia. Subclinical atherosclerosis is a cause of cardiovascular disease.

Nearly 1,000 women participated in the study

For their study, the researchers distributed documents with questions about the frequency of consumption of certain foods. In total, 954 Australian women participated in the study, who were at the age of 70 years or older.

Women had to state how often they took vegetables

The women recorded how many times they were eating vegetables. The rating went from "I never eat vegetables" to "I eat vegetables three or more times a day". The vegetables studied included so-called cruciferous vegetables, leeks (for example onions, garlic and shallots), leafy greens and legumes. The physicians also measured the wall thickness of the carotid.

Cruciferous vegetables proved to be very beneficial

The researchers observed a difference of 0.05 mm wall thickness of the carotid artery between individuals with a high and a lower intake of vegetables. This value is quite significant, as a reduction in wall thickness of the carotid artery by 0.1 millimeter is associated with a 10 to 18 percent lower risk of stroke and heart attack, explains Dr. med. Blekkenhorst. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts proved to be most beneficial for reducing wall thickness.

Results were adjusted to several factors

After adjusting to lifestyle, cardiovascular risk factors (including drug use) and dietary factors, the results continue to show a protective link between the consumption of cruciferous vegetables and the wall thickness of the carotid artery. Blekkenhorst in a press release.

Dietary guidelines should advise the consumption of cruciferous vegetables

However, the physicians did not find a causal relationship for this protective effect in their investigation. Nevertheless, nutritional guidelines should underline the importance of increasing consumption of cruciferous vegetables to protect against vascular disease Blekkenhorst on. (As)