Only cut fresh leek longitudinally for cleaning

Only cut fresh leek longitudinally for cleaning / Health News
Cutting in facilitates the cleansing of fresh leeks
Fresh leek (also known as leek) is not only suitable as a soup greens, but also offers as raw food, salad or supplement to pasta, in the risotto, gratin or baked in a casserole, so the message from the consumer information service. For cleaning before preparing the longitudinal cutting of the rods is recommended.

Fresh leek should be vigorously green and the roots should not be dry or discolored. (Image: stevecuk /

Fresh leeks must be freed of sand and earth before consumption, for which purpose the roots, green ends and possibly rough outer leaves should be removed first. Nutritionally gentle, the vegetables can be washed well "by cutting the stem lengthwise to the middle, bending it apart in a fan-like manner and rinsing under running water", according to the consumer information service aid.

Leek with many healthy ingredients
According to the experts leek is "nutritionally very valuable" because it contains plenty of fiber, vitamin C, B vitamins, folic acid and minerals such as potassium and calcium. In addition, leeks with around 30 calories per 100 grams are relatively low in calories. Consumers should be mindful of freshness and quality when shopping, according to aid. A strong green color and solid roots that are not dried or brownish discolored, are good hints. The bars could be stored in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator for about a week, where due to the intense odor storage separately from other foods is advised.

Summer Lily and Winter Lily
Originally, leek originated in the Mediterranean and was already known to the ancient Egyptians, reports the consumer information service aid. The strong shaft remains whitish, because during the cultivation again and again earth is poured and thus he does not receive daylight. Currently, the fresh summer, with lighter leaves and slender shafts available, while the winter vines are harvested in October at the earliest. This one has dark green leaves and thicker rods. His taste was heartier than the summer bell. (Fp)