Fresh sweet cherries must have a stalk

Fresh sweet cherries must have a stalk / Health News
Sweet cherries with stalk are longer fresh
With the harvest season of the domestic sweet cherries, these are also increasingly offered in markets and direct marketers. Here, consumers should pay attention to some details that help to identify the freshness of the product. The sweet cherries, for example, should always be bought with a stem, according to the news agency "dpa", citing the Provincial Association of Rhineland Fruit and Vegetable Growers. Because if the stalk is missing, the fruit will bleed on the stalk.

Fresh sweet cherries should preferably have a stem. (Image: from Lieres /

According to the Provinzialverband Rheinischer Obst- und Gemüsebauer, cherries are not only delicious, they are also healthy. The local fruits can boast a lot of potassium, phosphorus, iron, various vitamins and folic acid. Its bioactive ingredients are said to have a preventive effect on cardiovascular disease and cancer, the association said.

Store fresh cherries for a maximum of two to three days
To ensure the freshness of the cherries, they should be stored for a maximum of two to three days, reports the Provinzialverband Rheinischer Obst- und Gemüsebauer. A dry storage is a prerequisite. For example, if condensation forms in a bag, the delicate fruits would quickly rot due to moisture. However, the cherries do not have to be eaten directly, but can be boiled down as a compote or jam, according to the association. (Fp)