Breakfast waiver puts a strain on the heart

Breakfast waiver puts a strain on the heart / Health News

Higher risk of heart disease for breakfast muffle


Those who refrain from breakfast, according to the results of a recent US study, according to a significantly increased heart attack risk, at least as a man. Boston's Harvard School of Public Health's scientists had analyzed the eating habits of 26,902 men with the goal of identifying possible relationships to heart disease. They have clearly succeeded, but have also found a correlation between not eating breakfast and many other risk factors for heart disease.
For their study, the US researchers used the data from a long-term study started in 1992, in which 26,902 American men between the ages of 45 and 82 were asked about their eating habits. All subjects were active in health care professions and none of the participants suffered from cardiovascular disease or cancer at baseline. In the 16 years of the observation period, 1,527 diseases of the coronary heart disease (coronary heart disease) were first come to light, the researchers write in the journal „Circulation“. Breakfast muffle was much more frequently affected than men who ate a bowl of cereal or a casserole in the morning.

Breakfast muffles are increasingly suffering from obesity, hypertension and diabetes
„For adults, skipping breakfast has been shown to be associated with overweight, high blood pressure, insulin resistance (diabetes), and elevated blood lipid levels“, However, it remains unclear whether certain dietary habits, irrespective of diet composition, affect the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD), the research team reports to study leader Leah Cahillvon of the Harvard School of Public Health. Your current study should help here. For example, in order to rule out bias from other factors considered to be cardiac risk, the study also looked at lifestyle, sleeping habits, marital status, alcohol and tobacco consumption. Not only did the US scientists find that men who miss breakfast are 27 percent more likely to suffer from acute heart problems, but were also significantly more likely to be smokers, on average lower average age, less physical activity, and more alcohol soak. They were also more often unmarried and more often in a full-time job. Here it can be assumed that the other factors also had an influence on the significantly increased risk of heart problems.

Eating breakfast lowers the risk of coronary heart disease
The study also showed that men with an unusual habit of eating late at night were at a particularly high risk of coronary heart disease. They had a 55 percent higher CHD risk compared to men who did not eat late at night, Cahillvon and colleagues report. The group of men with appropriate eating habits, however, is negligible and therefore rather negligible for the risk of acute heart problems. The situation is different for the men who gave up the breakfast. They showed significantly more often at an elevated level „Body mass index, high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol and diabetes mellitus“, Explained the study author Leah Cahillvon. The researchers come to the conclusion that taking the daily breakfast is associated with a significantly lower risk of CHD. It is not without reason that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Women show an increased risk of diabetes when not eating breakfast
Whether the results of the current study can be similarly applied to women should now be reviewed further studies. However, Leah Cahillvon has already demonstrated in an additional study possible associations between eating breakfast and the risk of type 2 diabetes in women. The analysis of data from the so-called „Nurses Health Study“, in which 46,289 American women were involved, have shown that an irregular intake of breakfast leads to an increased risk of diabetes, said Cahillvon early June in the journal „The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition“. (Fp)

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Picture credits: Pascua Theus