Early detection of cystic fibrosis in newborns has been proven

Early detection of cystic fibrosis in newborns has been proven / Health News
Early treatment important: cystic fibrosis early detection in newborns
According to health experts, around 8,000 affected people in cystic fibrosis live in Germany. The congenital metabolic disease is not curable. But especially children with cystic fibrosis can often be treated well. For this it is important to quickly recognize the disease - for example with the help of a screening test for newborns.

Around 8,000 cystic fibrosis patients in Germany
Cystic fibrosis is a congenital metabolic disease. In Germany alone, around 8,000 people suffer from the incurable disease, especially children and young adults. Early diagnosis and early therapy can help to significantly improve the quality of life and life expectancy of cystic fibrosis patients. To achieve this, the metabolic disease study has been integrated into neonatal screening.

The study on cystic fibrosis, which is offered in Bavaria as part of the newborn screening, has proven itself. The diagnoses enabled treatment to be started early. (Image: Zerbor / fotolia.com)

Screening examination has proven itself
The study of newborns on the disease cystic fibrosis, introduced a year ago, has proved its worth in Bavaria. The Health Minister of the Free State, Melanie Huml, pointed this out.

"The voluntary test is very well received by parents. Since its start on 1 September 2016, 23 cystic fibrosis has been diagnosed in Bavaria in 23 children. This allowed early treatment to begin, "said the politician.

"The screening for cystic fibrosis has been supplementing the previous screening program for inborn metabolic and hormonal disorders for one year," says Huml.

"Early diagnosis and treatment of the disease can significantly improve the quality of life and life expectancy of the affected children. That's why it's important to test as many newborns as possible. "

Congenital metabolic and hormonal disorders are very rare
Experts have been pointing out for years how important cystic fibrosis screening is for babies. Participation in the study, which was introduced about a year ago in Bavaria, is voluntary and requires the consent of the parents.

A few drops of blood are taken from the child between 36 and 72 hours after birth on the heel for the test. The blood is then tested in the laboratory for congenital metabolic diseases and serious hormonal disorders.

The newborn metabolic screening has been a legal health insurance scheme since 2005.

"Congenital metabolic and endocrine disorders are very rare. In Bavaria, approximately 130 children with congenital metabolic or hormonal dysfunction are detected by screening every year. Among them are about 25 newborns with cystic fibrosis, "explained Huml.

No cure for cystic fibrosis
Cystic fibrosis (also called cystic fibrosis, CF) is a hereditary disease. A gene change leads to a disturbance of salza exchange in glandular cells. As a result, viscous mucus forms in the airways and organs, which become permanently inflamed.

The course of the disease is very different and can affect various organs. The severity of the disease can vary enormously.

Often the function of the pancreas is limited. In severe cases, pulmonary function may be significantly impaired as a result of repeated pneumonia.

At present, there is no cure for cystic fibrosis. However, the consequences of illnesses can be improved or alleviated by different therapeutic approaches, so that the life expectancy of the patients has increased continuously. (Ad)