Women the stronger sex

Women the stronger sex / Health News

According to some studies, women are the stronger sex


That women are the stronger sex, has been suspected for some time. This now has a representative survey of „pharmacy magazine“ result. Whether dealing with pain, illness or getting older. Women suffer less. So the strong sex are not the masters of creation, but the women. At least the participants of a survey of the "Apotheken Umschau".

Women have fewer problems with illnesses and strokes of fate
Especially when dealing with diseases, the respondents have the same view. Men are less resilient. For two-thirds of respondents, men are the plainer gender. Every second respondent is of the opinion that men give up diseases faster than women. For half of the participants, men are more likely to master age-related physical decline than the female sex. These results have now resulted in a large-scale survey of GFK Marktforschung Nürnberg, which published the „pharmacy magazine“ commissioned. In total, 2118 women and men aged 14 and over participated in the survey.

Women may be more than confirmed by the results of this survey. For example, the majority of respondents believe that women are better able to deal with illnesses, the aging and the death of their partner than the so-called stronger sex. This was stated by 76% of respondents.

Men more plaintive for biological reasons
At the beginning of the year, a British study by the Queen Mary University in London came to the conclusion that men suffer agonies even with the smallest colds. These not only simulate, but actually suffer more from the disease symptoms. One reason for this is the immune system. The immune system of women can adapt to infections much faster and more efficiently. As a result, men's disease symptoms are usually more pronounced.

Strong immune system protects against wet and cold weather
The physicians were able to detect significantly more white blood cells in the female body. It is believed that these blood cells are increasingly involved in the defense against bacteria and other pathogens. Especially in the cold season protects an intact strong immune system against influenza infections. In order to keep the immune system fit, especially the consumption of fruits and vegetables helps. Sport and exercise additionally stimulate circulation and blood circulation. (Fr)

Image: Oli Müller