Woman thanks to preserved ovum for 14 years becomes mother

Woman thanks to preserved ovum for 14 years becomes mother / Health News
Egg was frozen in liquid nitrogen for 14 years - wife becomes mother
Some women who want to have children postpone their plans to later years, for example because they want to have enough time for their careers. You can have eggs freezed to meet the desire to have children later. This opportunity has also been used by an Argentine. She became a mother thanks to a frozen egg for 14 years.

To move the child to later
There are more and more women who want to have children, but postpone their project to later years, for example, to have enough time for their careers. The so-called "social freezing" is becoming more and more popular. With the help of this method you can create the desire to have children in ice. In the procedure, ova are removed from the woman and frozen. Years later, they can be thawed again, fertilized in the lab and used to the woman. Even a woman from Argentina has met with this method, the desire to have children. With an ovum that had been frozen for 14 years.

A woman from Argentina has had a baby thanks to an egg that had been frozen for 14 years. This is a world record, as the Guinness book confirmed. (Image: vchalup / fotolia.com)

Method for cancer patients
The method was originally developed for cancer patients. The patients have the opportunity to be removed before chemotherapy oocytes, so that they are protected from the destructive chemicals.

Meanwhile, more and more healthy women use the procedure and postpone their family planning to a later date. In the US, the method has become a widespread trend. There, some young women even organize "egg-freezing parties".

Oocytes freeze over a longer period of time
The then 25-year-old Mónica Coronel from Argentina decided in 1999, to freeze six of her eggs, after she had not become pregnant despite medical treatment, the news agency dpa.

Shortly before, the research team around Carlos Quintan's doctor at the Halitus Hospital in Buenos Aires had developed a new method to freeze eggs for a longer period of time.

In 2013 - around 14 years later - Coronel returned to the clinic and had a fertilized egg cell used. She had previously given birth to a boy who had been naturally conceived.

Egg for 14 years in liquid nitrogen
In 2014, the magazine "Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics" reported on "the birth of a healthy girl". The experts wrote: "This case represents the longest known storage period of frozen human egg cells, which led to a live birth."

Now Halitus Hospital is reminding us of the exceptional case of the baby resulting from an egg that had been frozen in liquid nitrogen for 14 years.

The name of today's three-year-old girl, Yanina, means "full of grace". "It fills us with joy every day and makes me forget what I had to go through to have a child," said the mother.

Since artificial insemination after such a long time has never been achieved before, the case was recorded as a world record in the Guinness Book, as confirmed a few days ago.

German expert not surprised by record
As the dpa message says, Georg Döhmen from Kinderwunschzentrum Niederrhein is not particularly surprised by the record. The trouble-free use of frozen eggs after such a long time is not unusual, according to him.

"The oocytes are stored in liquid nitrogen, there are no aging processes." In artificial insemination, there is often the case that surplus fertilized egg cells are frozen and used later in the event of a new desire to have children.

The Guinness Book justified the awarding of the world record to the Halitus Clinic, however, with the fact that a successful pregnancy after 14 years is so far unique.

Age limit of 50 years
According to Döhmen, who is also a board member of the German Society for Reproductive Medicine (DGRM), the period of future storage will play less of a role. "The limitation is rather the age of the woman," said the expert.

The risks of pregnancy are too high for a woman after a certain age. Furthermore, there are ethical aspects concerning the best interests of the child.

The network Fertiprotekt, an association of centers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland, has set an age limit of 50 years for artificial insemination. (Ad)