For if the change in the PKV is worthwhile?

For if the change in the PKV is worthwhile? / Health News

Financial experts: Switching to private health insurance is not worthwhile for every insured person


The health insurance change from the statutory to the private health insurance has been on everyone's lips for weeks. Not without reason. Because since the beginning of the year, the change has been significantly simplified and for private insurance (PKV) beckoned numerous new deals, for the intermediaries promising commissions. Federal Insurance Office and the Confederation of insured warn of an ill-considered change.

However, the benefits of switching from statutory to private health insurance are very different, depending on the individual situation of the willing to change. Factors such as income, age, occupational and family perspectives decisively determine whether private or rather statutory health insurance is more suitable for personal protection.

Change in the PKV is worthwhile for young and healthy people
All in all, it can be stated that private health insurances (PKV) sometimes offer extremely lucrative contracts, especially for single, healthy, well-paid, young people. However, these do not remain at the same level for a lifetime, and as the personal circumstances and state of health change, so too do the contributions payable. Critics see this as a cost trap that often does not catch on for years, when the privately insured retirees have less income at their disposal and the contributions steadily rise due to the deteriorating health. Although the easier exchange options in conjunction with the disadvantages of the statutory health insurance (higher costs plus additional contributions, poorer medical care) can make a change quite attractive, but the sticking point stuck as so often in detail.

Federal Insurance Office warns against premature change
Both the Federal Insurance Office and the Confederation of Insured therefore warn against a hasty change of health insurance. Those affected should weigh up carefully and be aware of the consequences. Because a return to the statutory health insurance is excluded after the change in the PKV. Especially for good-earning civil servants, a change to private health insurance can pay off. Even for self-employed with high income, private health insurance sometimes offers better insurance. However, if you want to insure your children with, is in most cases better off in the statutory health insurance, even if the comparison with the PKV can still be worthwhile. Employees can switch to private health insurance since January 2011, once their annual income has once exceeded the limit of 49,500 euros. This also applies if the insured persons have previously taken out an optional tariff with their statutory insurance, which actually provided for a longer term. The statutory insurances can not prohibit their members from switching as soon as the conditions prescribed by law are met. However, a period of two weeks after notification by the insurance within which the persons affected must be exempted from their insurance coverage, otherwise the minimum binding period of the electoral rate applies.

No hurry when changing
Although a change in health insurance may well be worthwhile, but the current hysteria for the opportunities for change, should not be affected as far as possible persons who meet all basic conditions. Quiet balancing and a thorough comparison of the providers is required. It should always be kept in mind that the private health insurance, of course, have a vested interest in keeping the subject in public in order to interest as many potential new customers for a change. However, the often propagated hurry is the wrong way to go, as the change of insurance is usually a lifelong decision and the consequences, especially in old age, can be a considerable financial burden. For example, it is not clear to many that a change from statutory health insurance to private health insurance means a quasi lifelong exclusion from SHI. Once you have changed, the way back is closed forever. In addition, the private health insurance does not know various social performance spectra, which are a matter of course with the GKV. So there are no private family insurance for the private providers, no mother-child cures no co-insurance of the non-working spouse.

Change is worthwhile for high income groups
But if you have a stable and above-average income, you can save a lot of money with a private health insurance and enjoy health services such as chief physician treatment or alternative therapies. However, before signing a contract, the contract clauses should be carefully studied and audited independently by the insurance company or brokers. For a fee of 18 Euro the Stiftung Warentest offers an individual evaluation. Especially with low rates, caution is required. Often, these rates offer little services and require a high deductible. (Fp, sb)

Also read:
Consumer advocates warn against PKV low tariffs
Health insurance companies block insurance changes
PKV: No return for students in the GKV
Supplementary contribution: Social compensation an air number

Picture: Gerd Altmann