Research scandal Has the Coca-Cola Corporation manipulated studies?

Research scandal Has the Coca-Cola Corporation manipulated studies? / Health News
Serious allegations against beverage companies: Coca Cola has manipulated?
Especially because of their high sugar content, soft drinks are very unhealthy. Frequent consumption can lead to tooth decay and obesity. The largest soft drink producer in the world, the Coca Cola Company, is trying to fight the bad reputation of such drinks. Apparently also with very questionable methods. A newspaper report raises serious allegations against the company.

Serious allegations against beverage giants
Caries, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and obesity: Most soft drinks can lead to enormous health problems with frequent consumption. Coca Cola gets criticized especially often. For example, a pharmacist recently published a post on his blog that describes what happens in the body after drinking a can of coke.

Serious allegations against Coca Cola. Image: stevecuk - fotolia

The world's largest producer of soft drinks has long sought to address the bad reputation of such drinks. And apparently also applies questionable methods. As the Internet portal "" reported, are now in a newspaper report serious charges against the Group in the UK collected. The portal refers to an article in the British "The Times".

Recommended maximum sugar level is exceeded
A 0.5 liter bottle of Coca Cola contains 54 grams or 18 cubes of sugar. Even in a bottle of green Coca Cola Life, which is partially sweetened with Stevia, according to the consumer center of Lower Saxony still eleven cubes of sugar (34 grams) are included. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends 25 grams per day for women and 30 grams for men. That such drinks are not healthy, so obvious. But what would happen if reputable studies and nutrition experts would say otherwise??

Flattering studies bought?
According to the report, Coca Cola is suspected of having bought flattering studies for the group. Apparently with the aim of hiding a connection between obesity and the consumption of soft drinks. The company said it not only "sponsored" nutrition and sports institutions, but also set up its own organization to put Coca Cola in a better light. It is said that the beverage producer spent the equivalent of around 6.5 million euros to found an organization called the European Hydration Institute, which then publicly advertised the consumption of sports and soft drinks.

"Independents" are not that independent?
Coca Cola commented on the accusations: "We want to be open about our funding of academic research (...). We rely on them to make decisions about our products and ingredients - we hire independent third parties for them. "However, according to the magazine, these third-party companies do not seem to have been so independent. According to the report, "The Times" journalists found clear parallels between Coca Cola-sponsored experts and study results that deny the association between soft drink consumption and weight gain. This should be denied that Coca Cola is unhealthy from a certain - rather lesser amount.

Similarities with the tobacco industry
According to the portal, the case is strongly reminiscent of the cigarette industry. This too has invested millions in research in the past to show that there is no link between cancer and smoking. A few years ago, scientists have made serious allegations against the tobacco company Philip Morris, which allegedly downplayed negative research results of cigarette additives. The additives in tobacco are more toxic than expected. This showed a study of secret documents of the tobacco industry, which had to be made available to the public in the context of liability claims. (Ad)