Research almonds promote healthy cholesterol and protect our heart

Research almonds promote healthy cholesterol and protect our heart / Health News
How does the consumption of almonds affect the health of the heart??
Researchers have now found that consuming almonds helps stimulate high-density lipoprotein (HDL) called healthy cholesterol to improve heart health.

Researchers at Penn Sate University found in their study that eating almonds helps HDL cholesterol in the body to improve heart health. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Journal of Nutrition".

Almonds contain a lot of vitamin E and healthy fats. Regular consumption of almonds protects the health of the heart. (Image: juliasudnitskaya /

Why is HDL called healthy cholesterol??
High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is considered to be the healthy form of cholesterol because it removes other forms of cholesterol from the bloodstream and arteries associated with a greater risk of heart disease. The researchers recently investigated the levels of HDL cholesterol in humans who consumed almonds as a snack daily in addition to their normal diet. For comparison, people were examined who had consumed a muffin as a snack every day instead of almonds. The regular consumption of almonds thus improves the HDL values ​​and their functionality, explain the physicians.

Regular consumption of almonds lowers LDL cholesterol
There have already been some studies that have shown that a diet with regular consumption of almonds lowers the low density lipoprotein (LDL cholesterol). LDL cholesterol is an important factor in heart disease, explain the scientists. So far, however, it was not known how the consumption of almonds affects HDL cholesterol, which can lower the risk of heart disease. In their current study, the researchers not only investigated whether almonds increase HDL, but also their influence on the function of HDL cholesterol.

Subjects were divided into two groups
In the study, a total of 48 men and women with elevated LDL cholesterol were assigned two different six-week diets. Food intake was identical in both groups except for their daily snack. People from the so-called almond group received 43 grams of almonds a day, which corresponds to about a handful of almonds. The control group received a banana muffin instead.

HDL function is improved by consuming almonds by 6.4 percent
A diet rich in almonds increased a-1 HDL (larger HDL molecules) by 19 percent, the researchers report. HDL molecules get bigger as they remove the unhealthy cholesterol from cells and tissues, the experts say. In addition, the almonds diet improved HDL function by 6.4 percent among those with normal weight.

What is the function of the HDL??
In response to eating almonds, larger particles of HDL are produced, compared to no almond consumption, the researchers say. These particles pull cholesterol out of the tissue, making it bigger and bigger, and then transport the cholesterol to the liver so that it can be removed from the body.

Almonds are a delicious snack with health benefits
Almonds do not eliminate the risk of heart disease, but they are a good choice for a healthy snack, says study author Prof. Penny Kris-Etherton. Almonds, for example, also contain healthy fats and vitamin E. Adding almonds to your diet allows them to expect several benefits, including improved heart health, the expert adds. (As)