Research Small men often get bald early

Research Small men often get bald early / Health News
Does the size of men affect early hair loss??
Many men certainly know the following problem: In old age, the hair disappears and some sufferers even get a bald head very early. Researchers have now found that small men may be at risk for premature balding.

The scientists of the University of Bonn found in a genetic international study that small men often get premature balding. In general, premature hair loss is related to various diseases and body characteristics. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Nature Communications".

Straight men often suffer from hair loss. Some sufferers develop a bald head early on. Researchers now looked for a link between the formation of a bald head and a smaller body size. (Image: Kurhan /

Researchers are studying the genome of more than 20,000 men
The experts examined the genome of more than 20,000 men in the genetic study led by the University of Bonn. The data obtained showed that the early onset of hair loss is usually associated with a number of factors. These include diseases, but also different body characteristics affect the formation of a bald head, explain the physicians.

When men lose hair early, the risk of certain diseases increases
For example, it has been known for some time that men with premature hair loss suffer more frequently from heart disease and prostate cancer. New identified genetic data now confirms the assumption that there are other links to heart disease and prostate cancer.

Subjects from seven countries were closely examined
In the current study, the experts analyzed the genetic data of about 11,000 male participants with an early baldness. As a check, nearly 12,000 men without hair loss were called in again. All subjects came from seven different countries, the researchers report.

Changes in the genome increase the risk of premature hair loss
We identified 63 changes in the human genome. These increase the risk of premature hair loss, explains senior author and human geneticist Dr. med. Stefanie Heilmann-Heimbach in a press release from the University of Bonn.

Changes in the genome also caused other diseases
Some of these changes have also been found in association with other features and disorders. These include, for example, a reduced body size. The early onset of puberty and various cancers are also related to the changes noted, the doctors say.

Results show a link between hair loss and prostate cancer
The genetic results found also show an association between hair loss and an increased risk for prostate cancer. The discovery of a possible association with the onset of heart disease was much more complicated, according to the authors. Although genes were found that reduce the risk. But genes have also been identified that can increase the risk, the researchers write.

Especially white men develop early bald
In addition, additional compounds to a lighter skin color and an increased bone density could be determined, explains Professor. Markus Nöthen. The expert is Director of the Institute of Human Genetics at the University of Bonn. These identified compounds may indicate that men with hair loss can better use sunlight for vitamin D synthesis. This circumstance could also explain why especially white men suffer from premature balding, the expert adds.

Immune and fat cells in the scalp are involved in hair loss
By identifying the genes involved in the current study new insights into the biological causes of hair loss occurring could be made possible. Apparently, in addition to the cells of the hair follicle also in the scalp located immune and fat cells are involved in hair loss, report the authors of the University of Bonn.

Further research is needed
However, there is so far only a partial understanding of which molecular mechanisms lead to the relationships between early hair loss and other diseases. Further studies now need to investigate more accurately and in more detail the identified compounds and signaling pathways involved.

Those affected should not worry too much about their health
However, men with premature hair loss need not be worried, explains the expert Professor Nöthen. The risks for the detected diseases are only slightly increased. It is interesting, however, that the occurring hair loss is not an isolated feature. There are many relationships with other characteristics, adds the physician. (As)