Research cannabis without intoxicating effects

Research cannabis without intoxicating effects / Health News

Israeli scientists make cannabis without intoxicating effect


Israeli researchers seem to have succeeded in breeding a cannabis plant that looks, smells and tastes like the intoxicating marijuana but does not trigger food cravings or intoxication. This is a first breakthrough in the production of effective

New cannabis plant has less THC and more CBD
„The plant has the smell, the look and the taste of the original, "said a spokesperson for the company Tikun Olam, which cares for critically ill people and has bred the plant, to the newspaper" Maariv. "Patients who take out the plant According to Tikun Olam, the cannabis active substance tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which has an intoxicating effect, has been reduced in the new breed, according to Tikun Olam, who had neither an intoxicating effect nor the usual food cravings At the same time, cannabidiol (CBD), which is effective in diabetes and mental illness, has been increased, and Israel has an official ban on cannabis, with only about 6,000 people allowed to consume the herb on medical grounds.

Regular cannabis use can lead to psychotic symptoms
Despite the positive effect of cannabis on some diseases, the consumption of the herb can also have serious negative health consequences. As the „British Medical Journal“ (BMJ) in March 2011, teenagers who regularly consume cannabis have a higher risk of psychotic symptoms. The BMJ refers to a comprehensive study by scientists from the University of Maastricht. The use of cannabis therefore increases the risk of schizophrenia in young people. (Ag)

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Picture: Susanne Schmich