Research is working on mini-sensor for diabetics

Research is working on mini-sensor for diabetics / Health News

German researchers are working on eye sensors for diabetics


On Friday, Google's Intelligent Diabetic Contact Lenses was introduced. German researchers are currently working on a similar development. In two to three years, the products could be on the market.

Similar project as that of Google
Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Microelectronic Circuits and Systems (IMS) in Duisburg are currently working on a similar project, such as Google's recently proposed project for a contact lens for diabetics. The Duisburg and a Dutch company have developed a tiny eye biosensor for glucose. „The concentration of blood sugar is about 50 times less in the tear fluid than in the blood“, IMS Business Unit Manager Tom Zimmermann. Changes would also occur there with seven minutes time delay.

Patient can face sensor himself
The biosensor, which the diabetes patient can face himself, nevertheless works. According to the IMS, the tiny biosensor can be unproblematic for weeks or even months „in the eye“ to wear. The sensor sends data to a device, which „as big as a small cell phone“ is. At the same time, this wirelessly supplies energy for the measurement, explained Zimmermann. An oxidase contained in the biosensor produces hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), proportional to the glucose level. The more glucose the eye fluid contains, the more H2O2 it produces. By measuring the amount of H2O2 it is therefore possible to directly deduce the glucose concentration. The sensor then passes the data on. The entire diagnostic system is located on a chip of 0.7 by 10 millimeters in size.

Unsuitable for some people
For some people, however, the device is unsuitable, such as for people with very dry or strong watery eyes. In the project, the Fraunhofer researchers work together with the Dutch company Noviosense in Nijmegen. The product should come in two to three years on the market, ideally before the „smart contact lenses“ from Google, as Noviosense CEO Christopher Wilson announced. First small experiments with humans already exist. „We are happy about the competition because it shows that the idea is good“, so Wilson. Google's lens, which should measure blood glucose levels and warn the wearer in case of fluctuations, is currently still in use „at an early stage“, so the developers.

Smart contact lenses facilitate control
Since the blood sugar level of diabetics often changes during normal activities (eg, sports, eating), the regular control of blood sugar levels is of particular importance. Many diabetics have to use a special measuring device to analyze their values ​​several times a day using a blood drop taken. A very annoying procedure that can not detect spontaneous derailment of blood sugar in case of doubt. A sudden increase (high blood sugar) or a steep drop (low blood sugar) of the blood sugar levels, however, are extremely critical to health and require immediate countermeasures. A neglected control can therefore have extremely unpleasant consequences. Here, the intelligent contact lenses could contribute to early detection of blood sugar derailment and remedy. (Ad)

Image: Henrik Gerold Vogel