Researchers smoking often leads to gingivitis

Researchers smoking often leads to gingivitis / Health News
Proper oral hygiene can effectively prevent the disease
Who smokes, has an increased risk of gingivitis. This is reported by the Federal Association of German Pharmacists Associations in the current issue of their journal "Neue Apotheken Illustrierte". In addition, a higher age, stress and a weakened immune system would increase the risk of diseases of the periodontium. However, there are simple ways to prevent the problem.

In the worst case, tooth loss threatens
Inflammation of the periodontium (periodontitis) have become a common disease. As the "Neue Apotheken Illustrierte" (issue April 15, 2016) currently reports, 80 percent of adults in Germany show periodontitis precursors. The inflammation can occur if the accumulation of bacteria on the tooth surface or the plaque (plaque) is not regularly and thoroughly removed, explains the Federal Association of German pharmacists associations in their journal. As a result, an inflammation of the gums (gingivitis), which spread further on the jawbone and may even lead to the loss of teeth in the absence of treatment.

Smokers are particularly likely to periodontitis and therefore must pay more attention to proper brushing teeth. (Photo: diyes /

Periodontitis is often recognized very late
Above all, older people are at risk, as they have an increased susceptibility to diseases of the periodontium, the article says. Other risk factors are closely spaced, difficult to clean teeth, carious defects, tartar, insufficient saliva and a wrong diet, as these all provide the bacteria with an ideal breeding ground. Likewise, smoking, stress and a weakened immune system favors the disease risk. Often the inflammation of the gums does not cause any discomfort at the beginning and is therefore only discovered late. However, this makes treatment even more difficult.

Brush and floss twice a day
Therefore, with increased risk, good oral hygiene is particularly important. To prevent this, the teeth should be thoroughly cleaned twice a day: "The daily oral hygiene consists in cleaning the tooth surfaces with the toothbrush and the interdental spaces with dental floss or interdental brushes," the national dental dentistry association (KZBV) quotes in the magazine. If it is a more aggressive form of periodontal disease, therefore, an antibiotic may be useful, moreover, there are general preventive measures in the periodic control by the dentist and professional teeth cleaning. (No)