Researchers Babies born in the summer are healthier later than adults

Researchers Babies born in the summer are healthier later than adults / Health News
New study: Summer children are healthier as adults
For the future of the offspring the time of birth obviously plays a significant role. For example, according to a new study, babies born in summer are healthier as adults. The birth date can also influence the character.

Summer birth makes you healthier
According to a new study from the UK, it is beneficial for later health to see the light of day in the summer months. Like the team around Dr. John Perry, from the University of Cambridge Medical Research Council in the journal Heliyon, found that babies born in the months of June, July, and August were a bit heavier at birth and slightly older than adults bigger than everyone else. They also found that puberty started a little later for girls born in the summer. The scientists explained that both birth weight and the onset of puberty have health implications. For example, it is known that a later onset of puberty is a sign of better health than adults.

Birthdays in the summer obviously have advantages for the future health of the child. (Image: Ellen Parik /

Increased sunlight could be cause
The researchers suspect that solar radiation causes the differences between summer and winter babies. When pregnant women are exposed to higher levels of sunlight, it also stimulates vitamin D production to boost the immune system. The circumstances within the uterus not only lead to differences in the first months of life, according to the scientists, but have consequences for the entire development - from childhood to adulthood. According to an older study, even the time of conception has an influence on the future health of the baby. The US researchers at Princeton University reported that, for example, the risk of premature birth would increase if fertilization took place in May. The reason might be flu viruses.

Born in winter are more balanced
As reported by the "Wiener Zeitung", Dr. Perry on the current study: "The time of conception and birth are random. They are not affected by their social status, their parents' age or their health. "It is an important study design to look for patterns around the birth month to identify environmental influences that affect pregnancy. Even previous studies have occasionally shown effects on birth weight and some other health effects. For example, Hungarian researchers reported years ago that the season in which the birth takes place determines the character. Thus, people born in the winter are calm and well-balanced, but with a slight tendency to depression, while in the summer, those born are rather over-excited and cheerful.

Further investigations needed
The British scientists had analyzed data from about half a million men and women from the UK Biobank for their study. This provides data from volunteers in the UK to track down the onset of disease. In the journal Elsevier, Perry said: "We are surprised and pleased to see the connections." However, further studies are needed to understand the underlying mechanisms. Only then is it possible to make appropriate recommendations. "We believe that the impact of vitamin D is immensely important and hopefully our findings will drive further research that highlights the long-term effects of the influence on puberty and later on health," said the expert. (Ad)