Researcher Good prediction for pollen count 2015

Researcher Good prediction for pollen count 2015 / Health News

Less birch pollen, more ragweed pollen


Good news for many allergic persons: Experts expect a weaker concentration of birch pollen in the air this year, after 2014 a so-called „mast year“ was recorded with a particularly large number of pollen. The prognosis for Ambrosia pollen, which according to the experts will be on the road longer than usual until mid-September, is less good. The Foundation German Pollen Information Service (PID) provides information on its website about the current burden and provides useful tips for pollen allergy sufferers.

Birch pollen fly through the air in 2015 at a lower concentration
The PID has calculated the expected pollen times for 2015 based on the pollen data from the past 14 years. Accordingly, the birch pollen flight has started rather slowly this year. So far only a few birch pollen are on the way. „As the concentration of birch pollen in 2014 was high and after a 'fatten year' usually followed by one year with less concentration, fewer birch pollen are expected for 2015. Birch pollen allergy sufferers can expect weaker symptoms than in 2014“, informs the foundation. „Grass and mugwort pollen will have medium strength and remain unchanged at the level of the past 15 years. Allergy sufferers have to adjust to a comparable with 2014 symptom strength.“

The prediction of ragweed pollination is more difficult as it is strongly influenced by the long-distance pollen flow from the Hungarian lowlands and the Lake Balaton area. In particular, allergy sufferers in the northern and eastern states will be affected. „The end of the pollen season is scheduled for 20.9. assumed with the end of the flight of ragweed pollen“, so the PID on. In the case of the birch, depending on the region, pollen may already be over at the end of May or mid-June.

Birch pollen allergy can quickly develop into allergic asthma
Unfortunately, birch pollen allergy sufferers can only breathe for a short time. As PID has found in a study, they continue to spread birch pollen in Germany. „Compared to the years 2013 and 2014, the number of birch pollen in Germany has increased by more than 19 percent, "says the foundation. „About 70 percent of the most important allergenic pollens are birch pollen. "One of the main reasons is that the birch is still being planted in the public areas of many cities despite different recommendations. „I assume that overall tree pollen allergies will continue to increase significantly, "explains Professor Karl-Christian Bergmann, head of PID. „As arboreal allergy tends to develop from an allergic rhinitis to allergic asthma, hay fever patients are particularly encouraged to consult with their family doctor or allergist to get any anti-allergic medication or immunotherapy.“

The pollutant load can be very different even within a city. The PIP has set up 16 pollen traps in various districts in Berlin and measured the pollen concentration for one year. As the experts report, some differences of 300 percent have occurred. „The study shows that living within the city can make a big difference to the burden of birch and grass pollen“, said Bergmann, who led the study. „However, it is also clear that the previous two measuring points in Berlin are not sufficient to provide a precise load prediction for pollen allergy sufferers. We need considerably more measuring points.“

Tips for pollen allergy sufferers
In addition to medicines that can alleviate allergic symptoms (antihistamines), simple rules of conduct and natural home remedies for hay fever often help. While conventional nasal spray, which has a decongestant effect on the mucous membranes in the case of a runny nose, is not helpful in treating allergies, daily nasal rinsing can alleviate the symptoms.

In addition, you should not dry your laundry in the garden, as pollen can get stuck in it. It is advisable not to take off the worn clothes at night in the bedroom, as pollen can also stick to it. The hair should be washed at bedtime for the same reason. In the car, a special pollen filter is helpful. The interior of the vehicle should also be regularly sucked and cleaned. Allergic people save themselves many a sneeze attack, if they always drive with closed windows.

The German Allergy and Asthma Association as well as the German Meteorological Service inform on their websites about the distribution of pollen. Before traveling, it is advisable to visit the website of the Europe-wide portal In addition, various providers offer apps for the smartphone. For example, there is the Techniker Krankenkasse app „Dandelion ", which predicts personal pollen levels and provides tips on drug treatment, calculates the pollen count in the air and determines the body's individual response, which is the best time to take the medication. Users must first enter their allergy symptoms and medications for five days into the app, predicting the expected symptoms for the current day and the following two days, and according to the health insurer, treatment guidelines are based on medical guidelines.

> Image: Rosel Eckstein