Researcher cannabis does not cause any long-term damage

Researcher cannabis does not cause any long-term damage / Health News
According to US researchers, kippers do not lead to long-term health consequences
Those who consume cannabis later have an increased risk of lung damage, respiratory diseases and psychosis. This opinion is shared by many physicians and experts, relying on various findings. Now, a long-term study by the University of Pittsburgh has brought new insights that turn the prevailing theory upside down. According to him, there is no greater risk of long-term health effects in stinging teenagers than among non-consumers.

Higher risk of psychosis from hashish smoking?
Whether bronchitis or asthma, schizophrenic hallucinations, delusions or depression: Whoever kisses frequently risks serious damage to health and mental disorders. This is at least the opinion of many experts and even advocates of hemp smoking often admit that cannabis is not harmless. But now, a US-American long-term study in the journal "Psychology of Addictive Behaviors" caused a stir, because the context may not be as clear as previously thought. According to a statement from the University of Pittsburgh, the risk of long-term health consequences for male cannabis users in adolescence is not demonstrably higher than for non-smokers of the same age.

Cannabis does not seem to have any long-term effects on young men. Picture: camilledcsx - fotolia

Investigation started in the 1980s
The study started according to the information already in the late 1980s. The researchers monitored and analyzed the health and social behaviors of 14-year-old Pittsburgh male students, and conducted repeat surveys over a 12-year period at half-year-to-year intervals. Finally, in the years 2009/10, the now 36-year-old men underwent a so-called "follow-up study" in which the health status of a total of 408 participants was recorded.

Researchers divide subjects according to consumption into four groups
On the basis of individual consumption, the scientists divided four groups, with most participants among the few users or abstainers (46 percent) and early dwellers (22 percent). A small proportion (11%) of the volunteers had stoned only in adolescence, while 21 percent had become consumers only at a later age, but remained so. The early dwellers had reported a significantly higher marijuana use, which rapidly increased to a "peak" of more than 200 days per year by the age of 22 years. Subsequently, however, consumption in this group declined somewhat again, according to the statement.

However, despite the differences in behavior, the scientists at their 36-year follow-up were unable to identify a significantly increased health risk. Instead, psychotic symptoms and physical ailments such as asthma, contrary to expectations, did not occur more frequently among long-term users. In addition, the study found no link between juvenile marijuana smoking and persistent depression, anxiety, allergies, headaches or high blood pressure, according to the University Communication.

The study director himself is surprised by the result
A result that even the experts apparently did not expect: "What we found was a bit surprising," said Jordan Bechtold, research associate and research director at the University of Pittsburgh. "There were no measurable differences in terms of mental or physical health, regardless of how often and how much marijuana was consumed in adolescence."

According to Bechtold, the study is one of the few studies on the long-term health effects of early cannabis use, for which hundreds of volunteers have been observed for more than two decades of their lives. Nevertheless, there were weaknesses, for example, because only men had participated, although research now knew about the greater impact of drug use among women. In addition, the health status was only checked at the age of 36 years, which could possibly not detect subsequent damage. As a result, distortions can not be ruled out, the researchers write.

"We wanted to help inform in the debate on the legalization of marijuana, but it is a very complicated topic and a study should not be considered in isolation," said Bechtold. (No)