Researchers cannabis can slow down the mental degradation

Researchers cannabis can slow down the mental degradation / Health News

Cannabis makes the brain younger again?

In advanced age, many people are mentally reducing. The balance between the so-called age-typical degradation and stabilizing processes determines the exact process of individual aging. Researchers now found that low-dose THC appears to protect against mental degeneration.

The scientists of the University Hospital Bonn found out during their investigation that THC helps to prevent mental breakdown. The experts published the results of their study in the English-language journal Nature Medicine.

Can cannabis really protect our brain from the negative typical age-related effects and thus prevent mental breakdown? (Image: nokturnal /

Mental decline in old age is reduced by THC

In experiments on mice, the researchers were able to determine that the mental degradation typical of old age can be reduced by low-dose THC. The so-called endocannabinoid system belongs to the stabilizing processes, which strongly affect the individual aging. This system is named after the fact that its switches also respond to substances contained in cannabis (THC), the researchers explain. The so-called system switches (CB receptors) are usually activated with the help of THC-like endogenous substances. Such activation affects the typical processes of aging.

Effects of age on the brain

As you get older, however, the system becomes increasingly inactive. This has already been proven in experiments on animals. In old age, brain cells produce fewer new CB receptors. The receptors also react weaker to the endocannabinoids that they are supposed to activate. The researchers also found that less of the activating substances are present in older animals. The receptor switches are thus produced less frequently, they react worse and they are also used less frequently. Previous studies have already shown that mice that failed to produce a specific CB receptor showed a greater loss of brain cells in old age. In addition, these mice also experienced a previous decline in learning and memory, explain the authors.

Can THC slow down mental aging??

If decreased activity of CB1 accelerates aging, then perhaps a permanently activated receptor can slow down mental aging? To achieve this, an increased concentration of activating substances, such as THC, could be helpful.

Tests identify several factors under the influence of THC

In their study, the researchers investigated whether regular use of THC against the mental symptoms of aging can help. To this end, the experts at the Bonn University Hospital conducted various behavioral tests during and after treatment with THC. The tests identified factors such as an interest in novelty, curiosity and general speed.

THC-treated mice show improved learning performance

If mental aging accelerated even faster in the previous exam, treatment with THC produced exactly the opposite effect. In mice treated with THC, learning performance improved again despite age. The scientists were able to observe that the normal decline in the ability to think can be partially reversed. This fes effect was additionally accompanied by some measurable changes in the brain.

Impact of THC on the learning center of the brain

In the so-called hippocampus (the learning center of the brain), the THC-treated mice showed greater activity and increased growth of nerve cell connections. These so-called learning cells joined together more or less frequently. This can be seen as a sign of learning and memory formation, the experts explain. In the older mice in the experiment, the brain activity partially rejuvenated to such an extent that it resembled the activity that normally occurs only in young mice.

Cannabis will soon be used to reduce the mental effects of aging?

By reactivating the slowing down of the so-called CB1 receptors in the brain, it is apparently possible to achieve an effective treatment against mental decline in old age. This effect was observed, at least in mice, when the animals received a low dose of THC. So it is possible that medical cannabis will be used in the future to reduce the mental effects of aging. So far, medical cannabis is used mainly for pain or loss of appetite in severe diseases. (As)