Consequences of the health reform unsocial

Consequences of the health reform unsocial / Health News

Social Union "People's Solidarity" calls for corrections of health care reform instead of "hypocritical debate"

„It is gratifying when Federal Health Minister Philipp Rösler and other politicians recognize that the real consequences of the last health reform are antisocial“, said the Federal Managing Director of the Social and Welfare Association, Voluntary Solidarity, Bernd Netherlands, on Friday. „But if the insights are not followed by reforms of the reform to eradicate the social imbalance, the debate is hypocritical.“

The announced additional contributions of health insurance companies and other anti-social burdens for the insured and patients are the result of political decisions, stressed the Netherlands. "At the latest with the health fund it was clear that the course of the reform is antisocial and which health problems it causes.Who now seems to be afraid of the predictable consequences, acts dishonest and hypocritical." Instead, the federal government must correct the reform course and eliminate the social imbalance, demanded the federal managing director.

"If now also proposed to cut the federal subsidies to the social funds, the wrong course is just continued and other problems are inevitable." The problems of the statutory health insurance (GKV) and the other social funds are first revenue problems and due to the persistent mass unemployment, falling wages, low wages and mini jobs, stressed the federal executive. In addition, there is an urgent need to reduce the non-solidarity split between statutory and private health insurance and, as a first step, to set up a financial equalization scheme between the two systems. where all citizens participate and all types of income are taken into account. "

Popular solidarity demands that the health care reform be thoroughly tested and corrected. "What is needed is a reform that does not jeopardize the quality and solidarity of health care, but secures it," says. For a fair financing of health care costs, employers should not be relieved of responsibility for future health care costs, and not for shared funding. This includes redistributing the special contribution of 0.9 percent, which is paid solely by the insured person, back to the parity of the total contribution. Holland also renewed the demand to finally lower the VAT rate for prescribable medicines. This would relieve insurance companies and insured persons. (pm, 29.01.2010)

Health fund: Only those who are ill, bring money!
Unsocial health policy of black and yellow
8 euros additional contributions with the health insurance companies?