Aircraft accident intensifies own fear of flying

Aircraft accident intensifies own fear of flying / Health News

After the airplane misfortune the fear of flying intensifies


After the crash of the German Wings aircraft in the French Alps, many people have a queasy feeling at the thought of getting on a plane. Even though the likelihood of getting killed in a car accident is much higher, many feel diffused fear of flying. Experts advise not to put pressure and allow fear.

When the fear gets too big, professional help is needed
„Being afraid is completely normal“, explains the child psychotherapist Frank Reiss in an interview with the news agency „dpa“. „Fear is there to protect us. It is often very useful.“ Thus anxiety can prevent accidents from carelessness. However, when the anxiety becomes so severe that it determines certain situations or even life, one should seek professional help from a psychotherapist. „Fear can cause you to miss certain things“, explains rice and gives as an example a fall by bicycle. „Then it may be that you no longer ride a bicycle out of fear.“ However, such an avoidance strategy not only prevents another bicycle crash, but also pleasurable trips with family or friends.

Much better is to stand in such situations of fear and to drive quickly after a fall back on the bike. „If I avoid fear, it will grow bigger“, reports the expert. The same goes for flying.

„It helps a lot to talk about anxiety. It is important to deal with it. If you suppress your fear or do not take it seriously, you put more pressure on yourself and feel bad.“ But Reiss advises against looking at too many of the current pictures of the airplane accident, as this could increase the fear.

What to do about fear of flying?
People who suffer from a pronounced form of fear of flying (aviophobia) are usually unable to enter an airplane. Outbreaks of sweating, trembling and mental agony to the point of dying, make it impossible for those affected to think of a vacation trip by plane. Fear of flying is especially problematic for people who can not help but fly regularly.

For some years, the major airlines have been offering fear of flying seminars, in which people learn to deal with anxiety in a group or in individual sessions. An essential component is the explanation of the aircraft technology and its safety. So all devices in the cockpit are at least twice available, so that a simple system failure is completely unproblematic. It also explains why an aircraft can sometimes wobble heavily without the risk of a crash. For many people, this knowledge already leads to a release from their fear. For others it is important to face fear in the flight simulator or to have a close look at a cockpit.

In general, sufferers should avoid drinking alcohol and taking sedatives before the flight. According to experts, the drugs especially in combination with alcoholic beverages can cause strong side effects such as circulation problems. Relaxation exercises such as autogenic training or progressive muscle relaxation are more suitable. (Ag)

> Image: Raphael Reischuk