Airports Yoga calms down before the start

Airports Yoga calms down before the start / Health News
Airports offer yoga rooms for relaxation exercises
Yoga has experienced a tremendous boom in the past few decades. Hardly any relaxation technique is better suited for stress reduction. Meanwhile, various airports offer yoga rooms. Passengers can do exercises there before departure. This can be of great help to people with fear of flying, among other things.

Yoga for relaxation and health
Yoga is one of the best known relaxation exercises worldwide. Also in the West, the original method from India has been popular for decades to escape the stress of everyday life. You can not only relax with yoga, but also do something good for your health. It is recommended among other things for complaints such as back pain, neck tension or headache. The need to practice yoga is pronounced for many followers of the exercises in all kinds of life situations, even before a flight. Meanwhile, more and more airports offer special yoga rooms.

Yoga can help to ease the fear of flying

Special yoga rooms at airports
For a good flight you should remember cat, cow and cobra, writes the news portal "". Of course, these three are not animals, but yoga exercises that are especially good for the back. But even if yoga has experienced a huge boom, probably not many people in the concourse want to wander around in tight pants and outstretched behind while breathing in and out loud. At some airports passengers are now made easier: There you can do their exercises in special yoga rooms.

Yoga relaxes body and mind.

Even courses are offered
According to the portal, passengers at the San Francisco, Chicago O'Hare, Dallas Fort Worth and Burlington airports can independently practice Hatha, Vinyasa or Iyengar yoga. There are even courses available in Helsinki, Finland, such as Bikram Yoga, which is practiced at a room temperature of 38 degrees, or Jetlag Yoga, whose name already reveals the goal of the exercises. Also at London Heathrow airport, some travelers have been getting fit for their flight with yoga since last year. As the airline alliance told SkyTeam at the time, passengers traveling Business or First Class with one of their affiliates may travel to the studio equipped with yoga mats for free and video tutorials.

"Breathing exercises can relax and help with fear of flying"
However, the millennia-old Indian practice not only helps prepare the limbs for a strenuous journey, but can also help passengers with fear of flying. Practicing yoga teacher Mathys Wild explained, "" states: "Certain breathing and balance exercises help calm anxiety and nervousness. So practicing the alternate breath or the tree before the flight can distract your thoughts from fear of flying and make them more bearable. "In many cases, typical symptoms such as dyspnoea, rapid heartbeat, tremor, sweating, nausea and vomiting can be avoided become. (ad) Proof: RoKnoPhoto