Flohalarm - epidemic fear at Gifhorn by flea bite

Flohalarm - epidemic fear at Gifhorn by flea bite / Health News
The fire department hermetically sealed Steinhorst near Gifhorn from the outside world - because of a supposed plague. The turned out, however, as a flea bite.

Epidemic in the nursing home?
20 residents of a nursing home in Celle had red spots on their skin, and spots itched. A doctor examined those affected and shortly thereafter suffered from the rash themselves.

Flea bites triggered a disease alarm

Health Authority notified
The home management immediately informed the health department. The competent authorities in the district of Gifhorn learned about the incident.

Why is the village closed??
A nurse came to her home Steinhorst after work. There was a danger that she would carry the "unknown plague".

Emergency plan of the fire department
80 firefighters were on duty, and parts of Steinhorst remained 4 hours no-go area. If there is a risk of epidemics, the fire brigade must shut off and carry out a large-scale operation. No one knew it was only flea bites.

MHH gives the all clear
Meanwhile, two patients from the Pfegeheim hospital were examined at the Hanover Medical School. The MHH immediately gave the all-clear: Fleas are unpleasant, but no life threat.

Fleas are among the insects, and they were already haunting the dinosaurs. There were the pests already more than 100 million years ago.

In this country several dozens of species live on warm-blooded blood: hedgehogs and cats, dogs and chickens serve the parasites as hosts - as do humans.

Perfect parasites
The flea body is adapted to a life between skin and hair. The body parts cover up like roof tiles, and the mouth is transformed into a Stechrüssel, through which the flea sucks the blood.

The saliva of the flea prevents the blood from clotting. Through these secretions ignite the stitch points and itch. If the flea disturbed, it hops on, so that the punctures line up.

Unusual infestation?
Is a flea infestation like the one in the Celle Nursing Home unusual? Not at all. Although fleas are by the advances in hygiene, especially by vacuum cleaners, not always and everywhere as in 1900. However, they still thrive in Germany magnificent: almost every cat and every dog ​​that run around outside, catching themselves at least once in a lifetime the bloodsuckers.

Lack of hygiene?
Lack of hygiene helps the fleas - but that does not mean, conversely, that those responsible in the nursing home must be dirty finches: A single visitor, who serves the fleas as a host, is enough for the parasites to jump over to other people in no time.

Exaggerated use?
80 firefighters because of a woman who carries fleas around - that looks very exaggerated. However, neither the fire department nor the home management at the time of the operation knew that they were fleas. It could have been just as dangerous a disease. The fire department has behaved correctly. (Dr.Utz Anhalt)