Meat products and legumes Versatile nutrition provides protection against iron deficiency

Meat products and legumes Versatile nutrition provides protection against iron deficiency / Health News
Balanced, versatile diet can protect against iron deficiency
Iron deficiency is one of the most common deficiency symptoms in this country. Our body can not produce this trace element itself. But by the inclusion of iron on a balanced, versatile diet, a deficiency can be prevented.

Iron for the healthy development of children
Health experts repeatedly point to the importance of iron for the healthy development of children. This also against the background that many young people suffer from iron deficiency. This causes fatigue and other symptoms such as dizziness and hair loss. Often home remedies can help with iron deficiency.

Ferrous foods such as meat products and legumes can protect against iron deficiency. Our body can not produce this trace element itself. (Image:

Versatile diet with iron-containing foods
The study doctor Stefan Kabisch from the German Institute for Nutritional Research (DIfE) said in an interview with the dpa thematic service that a balanced, versatile diet can protect against iron deficiency.

The expert also explained how iron deficiency can be compensated for by diet: ferrous foods are the most important, with meat products and legumes being the best sources.

According to Kabisch, herbal iron is often not available in such a large amount and is slightly less absorbed in the body. Iron sources with vitamin C-containing foods should be best combined, for example, lemon juice on schnitzel or salad to steak.

Do without tea and coffee
Other experts say tea and coffee should be avoided if iron is deficient. The DifE expert stated that they should only be drunk at intervals.

The iron supply can also be disturbed by various medications. Are mentioned in the dpa report acetylsalicylic acid, gastric acid blocker or calcium and magnesium supplements. The use of such medicines should be discussed with the attending physician.

Iron deficiency sometimes without symptoms
An iron deficiency can be recognized by general symptoms such as lack of power to the stress air, dizziness, lack of concentration and fatigue.

More specifically, according to Kabisch striking paleness of the skin and mucous membranes, growth disorders of the nails, hair loss and irritated, inflamed corners of the mouth. However, iron deficiency can occur even without symptoms.

Have the cause cleared up by the doctor
It is generally recommended to go to the doctor urgently in case of iron deficiency. Kabisch also pointed out in the interview that every iron deficiency is clarified, even if often no serious threatening disease is underlying.

The deficiency can be caused, among other things, by an insufficient supply of iron through the diet or a high iron consumption, for example by severe infections. In addition, bleeding can lead to severe iron loss. Ultimately, the cause can only be found and remedied with medical attention. (Ad)