Meat-Free Diet Vegan schnitzels and sausages are becoming increasingly popular

Meat-Free Diet Vegan schnitzels and sausages are becoming increasingly popular / Health News

Strong rise in meat-free foods: Vegan schnitzel and sausages are in fashion

In Germany, more and more people are only vegetarian. Many of them completely abstain from animal products. In the meantime you will not only find a large selection of vegan foods in the health food store, but also in most supermarkets. But some of these products should not end up on the plate too often for health reasons.

Market for vegan foods is booming

Surveys show that fewer and fewer people eat meat. Many of them instead resort to meat substitutes made from tofu, seitan, quorn, wheat gluten and co. Vegetarian schnitzel and sausages have experienced a boom in recent years, according to experts, the market share of meatless food continues to increase. According to consumer advocates, such products should be better consumed only occasionally for health reasons.

Vegan burgers, schnitzel and sausages are trendy. But for health reasons, such meat substitutes should not end up on the plate too often. (Image: PhotoSG /

More and more vegans and vegetarians

While vegan sausages, schnitzels and meatballs were only available in health food shops and health food stores a few years ago, such products can be found today in almost every supermarket and even at discount stores.

According to the nutritional organization ProVeg, about 1.3 million people are currently vegan in Germany, so they do without meat and all other animal products such as milk, cheese and eggs.

"That's about 1.6 percent of the population," the organization writes on its website.

"Just 3 years ago, there were 900,000 vegan people, so 1.1% of the population," it continues. According to the experts, an upward trend is "clearly recognizable".

And in the next few years, the number of vegans and vegetarians will continue to increase, "because more and more people recognize the benefits of a plant life for the animals, the environment and their own health."

Meat substitutes should not be too often on the menu

In addition, a vegetarian diet is an effective way to fight obesity. Nevertheless, vegan Schnitzel and Co should only come from time to time on the plate.

Because many of the substitute products for meat and sausage contain "too much salt and are therefore not recommended", so the consumer center Bremen on their website. Another problem is that some of them also contain many unsaturated fatty acids.

And: "Even additives that are not recommended for frequent consumption can be found in substitutes (eg E 425, Konjac, a thickening agent)," write the experts.

"However, this problem also exists with traditionally manufactured original products, such as nitrite pickling salt in sausage and meat products." (Ad)